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Broker Pressure

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Freshman Member
May 8, 2008
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
How do I Handle a mortgage Broker, one that I do a lot of business with, that told me in very clear terms that if I marked any more reports as a decling market he would stop sending me orders. Is there any place to report this kind of activity?
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Welcome to reality.

Try to get this in writing and then turn him in. I'm fairly certain that if you can prove this conversation the State would not look too kindly upon it. I wouldn't lose any sleep over a client like this who probably demands comp checks (predetermined values), cancels orders after a heads up that the value is not there, and would fire you anyway for not hitting their needed number.
How do Handle a mortgage Broker, one that I do a lot of business with, that told me in very clear terms that if I marked any more reports as a decling market he would stop sending me orders. Is there any place to report this kind of activity?

Do you have it in writing?
No, it was a phone conversation.
Try to get the request in writing. If you can't I'd still report the broker to the state's regualtory agency that oversees Mtg. broker profession. The type of condut you reprots is inexcusable.
I will try to get something in writing and go from there.
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