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Commercial rooftop solar appraisal


Freshman Member
Apr 15, 2024
Professional Status
General Public
I need to get an appraisal done for a rooftop solar system on a hotel to support the basis for the tax credit calculations. can anyone send me a sample? I attached the project design. also does anyone know how to reach George Webb? he has posted about this a while back


Don't know about Louisiana, but California is starting to not love solar.

"California reduces payments for rooftop solar power — for second time in a year

The commission said it altered the rates because paying solar panel owners near-retail prices allows these mostly wealthy property owners to avoid paying a fair share of maintaining the grid.

"Under the new rules, apartment buildings, schools, farms, commercial strips and other facilities where multiple electric meters occupy the same site will receive significantly less money from utility companies in exchange for the excess solar energy they produce and sell back. These customers would be paid about 80% less per unit of energy they sell, solar advocates say. The rates they are paid vary depending on the season and time of day.

“This (new rule) forces them to sell low and buy high,” said Bernadette Del Chiaro, executive director of the California Solar & Storage Association, which led the campaign against the rule change. “No one is going to go solar under that setup.” The reduced incentives will apply immediately to new solar customers or arrays. Older units will be gradually phased in over the next 20 years. The commission also emphasized that existing rates would remain for those enrolled in affordable housing programs."

Like EVs, I think the reality of solar is starting to hit a wall. The PUCs are faced with huge infrastructure costs associated with the demand that would result if a significant percentage of vehicles depend on increasing transmission lines and base capacity. Roof top solar with batteries are a major expense with a very long pay back period. And then there is that solar panels and batteries are associated with China belching out CO2, IMO.
So can you help me get an appraisal for the project file I uploaded for a project in Florida. Not Louisiana
Or refer me to someone?

I appreciate the industry intel but I posted here to get some help
I'm unsure about other organizations, but the Appraisal Institute has a searchable database of commercial appraisers offering specialized services. It is highly unlikely you will get someone to send a sample.
Thanks was hoping someone could make a recommendation. Will look at that database tho. Thanks is for the tip.
There are no forms - I have made a couple. They are all DCFs based on contracts. So just hand write a DCF. Extremely subjective and not real estate (personal property) - also this can be debated

Or go to https://www.pvvalue.com/

But based on my maths- theyre not too accurate
That PV calculator might be useful as a starting point for writing your own and adding to it. Commercial power rates are often different but I think that's a variable you can adjust.

What I think will resonate with the taxation authorities will be the explanation for the variables being used. Just be reasonable with those and it will probably be sufficient to purpose. In order to disagree with you a reader would have to be capable of developing their own analysis.

The OP could also try asking the taxation types what formats they have used and what they think is reasonable. It never hurts to speak the same language they speak.
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