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Cost Approach QE (in-person) class in March 2021

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Is the course only for CG's or those wanting/needing to get to CG?
I'll be honest, I don't plan on getting my CG anytime soon (if ever) but a good cost approach class is interesting to me
Also, is it only for rural type appraising? I'm in urban/suburban, would it be applicable?
I'm in urban/suburban, would it be applicable?
Yes, I think it would be most helpful and give you a different perspective from the viewpoint of the rural appraiser. ASFMRA is usually taught by top notch folks and many hold multiple designations from ASFRMA, AI, or ASA.
Is the course only for CG's or those wanting/needing to get to CG?
I'll be honest, I don't plan on getting my CG anytime soon (if ever) but a good cost approach class is interesting to me
Also, is it only for rural type appraising? I'm in urban/suburban, would it be applicable?

This course will mainly be filled with appraisers needing QE to upgrade their license. Currently, we have trainees, CRs, and CGs registered for the class. I'm already a CG, but do primarily Ag work. I'm in the process of retaking many of my foundation courses simply as a refresher.

Regarding the rural/urban/suburban question, I agree with Terrel's comment. ASFMRA classes do have a rural slant, but The Cost Approach is the The Cost Approach regardless where you take it. I've been appraising for almost 30 years and have taken classes with ALL types of appraiser schools. One of the main things I like about the ASFMRA is their classes fill in the gaps many other schools overlook and offer a different perspective. Their Sales Comparison Approach class introduces unique concepts few other schools address.

The class will be challenging and in a great location (historic hotel in downtown Savannah). Hopefully, the weather will cooperate in case some bring guests who want to sightsee while the rest of us are in class.

Thank you for your interest and I hope to see you there.
Sounds like a great offering. Just a bit surprised that there would be such strong demand for an on site course where travel, hotels, and close quarters with others for 8 hours is required. Maybe it will be a different environment by March...
Sounds like a great offering. Just a bit surprised that there would be such strong demand for an on site course where travel, hotels, and close quarters with others for 8 hours is required. Maybe it will be a different environment by March...

We had a Sales Comparison course three weeks ago at the same location. The classroom is extremely large and can accommodate up to 20 students while still observing social distancing guidelines. Registration was limited the number to 15. It filled quickly with students from all over the country, even one from the west coast. Many of the same students have registered for this class too. We were extremely careful and the students appreciated our efforts. After reviewing the surveys it seems most were pleased.

Personally, I think there is a demand for foundation courses to be taught in person. Virtual is fine for many, but some do better with the in-person format. We are trying to meet that need.
We had a Sales Comparison course three weeks ago at the same location. The classroom is extremely large and can accommodate up to 20 students while still observing social distancing guidelines. Registration was limited the number to 15. It filled quickly with students from all over the country, even one from the west coast. Many of the same students have registered for this class too. We were extremely careful and the students appreciated our efforts. After reviewing the surveys it seems most were pleased.

Personally, I think there is a demand for foundation courses to be taught in person. Virtual is fine for many, but some do better with the in-person format. We are trying to meet that need.
No judgement here - just a bit of surprise. For those folks who want to brave it, I think that's awesome.
No judgement here - just a bit of surprise. For those folks who want to brave it, I think that's awesome.
Oh...I didn't read it as judgement. I just wanted to address your concerns since others might have the same thoughts.

I'll tell you how it started. I'm a Chief Appraiser of a lender which specializes in ag properties. I spoke with a colleague who shared my frustration with the inability to send our trainees to courses over the past 12 months, mainly the big three (Cost, Sales Comp, and Income). Since he is the president of our state chapter and I'm the president-elect, we estimated a budget and break-even point to host these courses in Georgia. Both of us had money in our 2020 education budget to help with a possible shortfall in order to get our trainees properly educated and not delay their training. So we "tested the waters" with an agreement with the hotel and nationals we could cancel (with a full refund) by a certain date if we did not reach a break-even number. We hit the break-even prior to posting it nationally. The two of us were surprised at the response, so we wanted to be sensitive to the concerns of others (students) who were taking similar risks. Masks in class, gloves at snack area, catering of certain meals, etc. all limited our exposure. We plan do the same with this course.

Thanks for your question and concerns, because I'm sure you're not the only one.
These types of CG classes would be very hard to take virtually; there is a huge difference in the residential cost class and the CG cost class. HUGE, thus the FOUR days of class. People study together at night or do the homework at night in groups.

I have taken both cost classes and all residential appraisers have to take the residential cost class to get their license. When I did the seven-day SRA designation class the CGs in the class had no problem with the cost part of it but there were many residential folks who did.

I would love to take ASFMRA classes but there are never any remotely close to where I am.
I don't think I ever implied that virtual was better for this class. I expressed surprise that on site classes would be in that much demand given the current environment... I fully agree that some classes are MUCH better suited for an in person environment. As I'm also sure that CG's are MUCH better at the CA than are residential appraisers... we're all dummies ya know. :rof: :rof:
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