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Day One Nova users?

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Jeff Horton

Senior Member
Jan 15, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
Would like to hear from Day One's Nova users and get you input. I am a long time user of their 16 bit software and have fought upgrading for a long time. I have a demo CD and just installed it. I am goign to do an appraisal in it and see what I think.

Just want to get everyone's input that uses it and see what you say.
I will have some input for you in a week or two. I have used their software since 1987, and the Windows 16 bit since 1997. I also have been putting off buying Nova. Finally broke down two weeks ago and ordered it. They are to call me at 7 AM tomorrow to help down load it and make sure all the kinks are out of it. I had my computer in the shop for cleaning, tuneup and additional ram installed last week in preparation for Nova, Adobe Acrobat 5 writer and Apex 32 bit. So the coming week should be interesting. Have tried out the demo, but would get frustrated. But the Nova has just been updated the first of April, so maybe the bugs are out. It appears to have solveda big problem I have been complaining about for 5 years, the problems with Comps #4 & higher not keeping the field attribute permanently. But my probelm because of my poor eyesight I don't think will be solved. I have the computer set to large fonts, which means an Apex sketch doesn't fit on the sketch addendum page, so have to reset fonts to small, save the sketch then readjust Comps #4 and higher before I create my file. So my only solution probably will be to buy a larger monitor someday--are small fonts bigger on a big monitor versus being small on a 15"? If not I guess I keep complaining the same complaint that I have been doing for 5 years to both Day One and Apex.

The Nova does have an REO addendum, but the 16 bit does not. I just itemize the info in my addendum and that has been acceptable to Fannie Mae and other lenders. I also type in the disclaimer that I posted several weeks ago in the addendum.
OMG- I didn't bother with the upgrade on NOVA- I have had so many problems with it switching my photos on my comps and here lately when I PDF an appraisal TWO appraisals are mixed into the file and they go together!!!

I switched to the "cadillac"- alamode and so far am VERY happy- am now using apex instead of winsketch which is a learning curve for me, but I could convert all my old NOVA apps to Alamode and that's what sold me (besides all my mtg companies being familiar with alamode and NO ONE even knew anyone but ME using NOVA)

mary from texas
Thanks JoAnn for you input. I will watch for a follow up from you. I am going to try the demo once I get my coustom addenda installed or dont have a rush job to do.

But my probelm because of my poor eyesight I don't think will be solved. I have the computer set to large fonts, which means an Apex sketch doesn't fit .................So my only solution probably will be to buy a larger monitor someday--are small fonts bigger on a big monitor versus being small on a 15"?

Two suggestions. One is a bigger monitor. 19" is really big but would be great for you. YOu can set the monitor resolution so that the fonts would be large.

Another think you might want to consider is a piece of software called ZoomText. I have a close freind that is legaly blind. She has eye sight but very poor. She has ZoomText on her computer, it magnifies the screen and can enlarge it VERY large. Much larger than you need I am sure. But the neat thing is that since you can only see a portion of the screen due the magnification it scrolls as you type or move the mouse. It drives me nuts but I am totally impressed with the software. Beware its not cheap though but might be worth it to you.

Other thing I forgot is you can enlarge of set it backto normal with just a couple of key stokes so anyone can use the comptuer.
What are the couple of key strokes to set it back to small fonts? Now I have to set to small fonts, shut off the computer, turn on the computer, access my file, access Apex, save to the sketch addendum, back to my file, reset the field attributes on Comps #4 and higher, reenter the second line for the subject Price/Gross liv area, remove the less than $1000 adjustment on all comps, affix my digital signature, create my pdf file. Then reset the computer to large fonts, shut off the computer, turn computer back on, then forge onward.

Will check into the larger monitor and the zoom view--after all I am getting older and my eyesight is getting worse!
Jo Ann, you set up Zoom Text to run when you start the computer. Then you just hit the Alt key and the Page up at the same time. Each time you hit them it increases the magnification one time. The reduce you hit alt and minus key. Its is super simple!!
I've been using Day 1 products since 1997 and overall it is a capable application that in my opinion has the most user friendly interface out of all the programs out there. However it does have it's shortcomings.

Fonts as they appear on the screen do not print as they appear on screen if you are using a 10 font or greater. The Nova Tech support page suggests an 8 font Ariel Narrow for a text font and reduce the printer dpi to 300 (not much help if your sight is challenged).

There is a RAM leak in the program which creates a problem when you move comps. You get an error message that you do not have enough memory (no, it's not my computer, mines loaded with 256 RAM, besides 3 other appraisers have the same problem in my state) so the comps move on the form but the pictures don't. This can cause an embarrasement when the client notices a garage on comp 2 and it did not have one in the grid.

You can spend an hour writing a text addendum and then loose it on a crash (although the main appraisal form has an auto save feature, the text addendum does not).

Somebody up top asked how to change fonts in the form. Click configuration/Fonts/Change Data fonts. Make your selection. Then click Utilities/Reset Fonts in Form. That should do it.

For anybody that is still on version 3.87b and has not upgraded to Nova consider this. It's expensive and if your trucking along banging out reports on your printer and your clients are happy, stick with it. 3.87b is D1's most stable version. Upgrade to Nova 5.2.1 if you need to be cutting edge. The latest version has so many new addendums and boilerplates you can almost not afford to do business with out these. (appraisal update form, new VC sheets, new USPAP compliance addenda,... Also the new version allows packaging the file as an e-mail. This alone was worth it to me. My printing (ink and paper) expense and delivery (postage and time in the car) has cut down dramatically.

Their latest version throws in a banner for their parent company Appraisal.com at the bottom of every form. :evil: This unwelcome solicitation that appears on YOUR work is a huge irritation to many appraisers as Appraisal.com competes with us an a provider of AVM's. I'd recommend removing the banner from the Nova/Forms file, remove file called "pbbw".

Hey, every appraisal software program has it's fault. This one is no exception. Overall it's not bad as long as you recognize these flaws.
I have also been a Day 1 user since 1987 (it must have been a good year for software) I resisted changing from the DOS system until march, 2001 and I keep my DOS computer next to my fancy windows machine. I have found that I can complete reports much faster using Nova. The only problem is that sometimes the program does what it wants to rather than what I want to do. In that respect its a lot like total.
So you were one of the guinia pigs too back in 1987? I memorized their tech support number back in 1987 because I called them that year several times a day! Then in 1997 bought the windows version and I had never used windows for anything before that so was another year the tech support got a lot of calls until I learned windows. Now I have completed two 2055s on Nova, today I will attempt a URAR with a sketch, but I think I am going to like it. It just that learning curve and my old age that is hurting! But I am stubborn, I will get it accomplished, even if it means taking my whole bottle of blood control medicine in one dose. Nova appears to have solved the problem with Comps #4 and higher and some of of the other 387.b quirks, now today I'll find out how Apex and Day One play together for pdf files.
Jo Ann

I use Day One with Apex all of the time with no major problems. The reason I bought Day One in 1987 is that I worked in Conshohocken, Pa., and Day One was in Wayne Pa., I figured that if I had a problem I could just go over to their office. That was then, this is now. I need to buy a digital signature thing and I can't make their web site work. I wish that they were still in Wayne.
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