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Elevators can be hazardous


Elite Member
Nov 7, 2016
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
Yesterday, I learned that my neighbor across the street had a family member who was seriously hurt when the elevator cable broke, causing it to fall 3 stories down.
This was months ago. Now the household rather climb the stairs than being in an elevator. Before the accident, the elevator was checked few weeks beforehand.
Elevators not as good an amenity as I thought.
Elevators not as good an amenity as I thought.
I appraised the home of a paraplegic man who had one that had 2 doors, It emptied on the first floor hall or the second floor bedroom. My question is how he would escape if there was a fire. He sold the house somewhat later. He owned 2 houses, one was 1 story. His ex lived there and was the woman who threatened to kill me if I entered the premises as he refi'd it. She was being forced out because the deal was he'd provided her the house until their girls turned 18. He ruefully admitted she hated him with a passion and was just like his mother. He said his mother hated his dad until the day she died. I felt sorry for him. Nothing worse than a spouse full of hate.
An elevator is just an amenity... like any other. What you think about how good it is, is not relevant to your appraisal. The market reaction to having or not having an elevator is.
Yesterday, I learned that my neighbor across the street had a family member who was seriously hurt when the elevator cable broke, causing it to fall 3 stories down.
This was months ago. Now the household rather climb the stairs than being in an elevator. Before the accident, the elevator was checked few weeks beforehand.
Elevators not as good an amenity as I thought.
They have pneumatic lifts now in houses with no cables. I don't like elevators, but stairs are hazardous too - probably more falls and injuries from stairs happen- sad story though with your neighbor.
There aren't any two-story models, much less three, in Fernando's neighborhood. :rolleyes:
This makes about as much sense as someone saying that they heard that someone was injured by a defective garage door and now they're scared of garage door openers.

- sad story though with your neighbor.

If there's any truth to the story. I'm thinking it falls into the 'fiction' category, like most of his "stories".
The worst I've ever heard was from a construction company that didn't pull permits and put the elevator in the flood zone. The victim road the elevator into a flooded parking ramp and drowned.
falls and injuries from stairs
Little kids and old people prone to it. That's why I'd never have a 2 story house or any house with over 3 steps. With my knees, I don't need to torture them and I have fallen and injured myself more than once. My uncle and his daughter both fell and broke hips on level ground at age 80. It is easy to do.
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