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Future licensee looking for small amount of mentorship

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Freshman Member
Sep 25, 2021
Professional Status
Appraiser Trainee
Hey everyone,

I will get straight to the point here. I am not looking for any paid internship or money.

I'm a soon to be a licensed appraiser in the Denver area who is looking for a small amount of guidance. I have completed my QE and 1000 hours of in-field training.

I'm seeking someone who I can shadow or learn from when deriving market adjustments, which seem to be my last hurdle in rounding out my competence.

I understand basic market adjustments from my coursework, but we all know that real assignments with real market adjustments are never black and white.

If anyone out there is willing to let me spectate their market adjustments, I would be extremely grateful. None of this would have to be done in person, and I am willing to spectate via zoom, discord, google video, or any onIine medium.

If anyone is wiIIing, I'd Iove to hear from you.

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when deriving market adjustments,
A good text will help. It's not rocket science. George Dell has several aides and pointers on his website too.

Mark Ratterman's books are excellent - and cheaper directly from the Appraisal Institute than on line (I saw Amazon was offering them for $100)
The zip file contains an Excel spreadsheet. It is a sensitivity analysis. To use it for GLA, take a sale, subtract the land value (as if vacant and available for its HBU), subtract any outbuildings and site improvements (estimated) and get down to the actual gross living area (GLA). Then plug them in to the formula and it will spit out the least squares solution ... i.e. - the SF adjustment. It is zipped because the AF does not accept xls files.
Also, learn sensitivity analysis and paired sales - Epley below teaches the proper way to extract effective age.

Also you can go the regression analysis route (there is a text in the AI store.)



I reaIIy appreciate that, thank you! WiII dig onto this
I can't manage to download those two attachments. When I mouse over them, they toggIe up, but are not interactive. Anyone know if this is a google chrome or a browser thing?
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