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"growth" Checkboxes On Gse Forms

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Senior Member
Oct 30, 2003
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
In the Neighborhood Characteristics section, there are 3 "GROWTH" checkboxes: [ ] Rapid [ ] Stable [ ] Slow

When you check one of those, what are you 'attesting' to?

In other words, when you check Rapid, what do you mean?

If you use Stable, it means what?

If Slow is chosen, it represents what?
You can only attest to that which was happening as of the effective date via the resources gathered by varying degrees of reliability and therefore, it would appear the box you checked is reliable.
Writing a whole bunch of words without directly answering the question(s) gets us nowhere.

What is your definition of Rapid growth in a Neighborhood?

How about Stable?

And Slow is defined as?

How does the appraiser justify checking a particular box, and what criteria is used to do that?
Writing a whole bunch of words without directly answering the question(s) gets us nowhere.

What is your definition of Rapid growth in a Neighborhood?

How about Stable?

And Slow is defined as?

How does the appraiser justify checking a particular box, and what criteria is used to do that?

Consider the neighborhood against the market area to compare and contrast.

As of the day, no new houses being built? Stable

Some new houses being built, and cruising the tax records and MLS indicate some new houses have sold every year for the past 3 years - Still Stable at moderate growth, equating to slow.

new subdivisions going in all around your neighborhood? Your neighborhood might be stable, because it is fully developed and not yet ready to raze.

Your subject is in a new subdivision that is currently being built out? Rapid development. If many of the homes in the neighborhood are being built, or the lots are being sold to be built.

Your subject is in a transition neighborhood where some homes are being razed in favor of new homes, development is then re-development and could be stable to slow, depending if there has only been one or two razed and rebuilt in a year, or if an arbitrary percentage of homes are being razed, like 5% or so.

These are opinion categories. You define the parameters of your opinion.

Would be a great topic for a CE class. What period of time does the MC sheet cover? What is happening over that time period? I totally disagree with those who say the data on the MC sheet should match what is on page 1 of the 1004 form. Page 1 should reflect ALL residential properties where as the MC sheet says "comparable properties". It's my contention 'comparable" generally refers to same style and similar size, etc.

A companion question should be...Is a time adjustment warranted? Does the appraiser have sufficient data to use a time adjustment? It's also my contention that if I use sales that occurred in the last, say, 90 days a time adjustment probably isn't necessary or warranted IN MY MARKET.
I totally disagree with those who say the data on the MC sheet should match what is on page 1 of the 1004 form. Page 1 should reflect ALL residential properties where as the MC sheet says "comparable properties". It's my contention 'comparable" generally refers to same style and similar size, etc.

it's worse than that. the 1004MC actually reads "competing" properties in the description on the top of the page, then states "comparable" in it's grid. the two are not interchangeable, unless your name is fannie.
Competing is for the active listings.
Comparable is for the sales.

I totally disagree with those who say the data on the MC sheet should match what is on page 1 of the 1004 form. Page 1 should reflect ALL residential properties where as the MC sheet says "comparable properties"....

Well, you know my old friend, that Fannie Mae (you know, the designer of the Fannie Mae forms you are opining on) does not agree with you :)
I totally disagree with those who say the data on the MC sheet should match what is on page 1 of the 1004 form.
Those who say that are wrong. In fact, that data on the left side of the MC doesn't have to match the overall trend boxes on the 1004MC. The overall trend boxes are to match page 1 of the report.
Well, you know my old friend, that Fannie Mae (you know, the designer of the Fannie Mae forms you are opining on) does not agree with you :)
He is partly correct. The data points on the MC rarely are populous enough to be a reliable indicator of trend and often do not line up correctly with the overall trend.
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