Don't use one that you do not develop yourself. They are simply the modern "Adjustment Sheet" for a single variable. If you need support for that opinion, just dig deep into the methodology relied on for each. If you can't find it, how are you going to defend it or determine its veracity in your market? Many that are not Case-Schiller rely on comparisons to or from refi appraisals as if they were market transactions. Relying on that means you are relying on appraisals by appraisers you do not know, using methodology that you do not know, and just assuming that both are perfect. And a thousand other reasons. I have compared the FHFA HPI to resales of the same houses in my market. In a limited test, the FHFA HPI was slightly to dramatically higher than actual, real life data in markets I am familiar with could support. Your mileage may vary, though.