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IL appraisers facing discipline

Lee Lansford ASA

Freshman Member
Jun 26, 2024
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
If you are an IL licensee facing a disciplinary matter, and you seek non-attorney advice, message me.

I served 9 years (2 as Chairman) on the IL Appraisal Board and can offer you my thoughts.
Long ago and i think it was Illinois, did you have an appraiser head of board there who wrote an appraisal newsletter every month from the board.
My gosh, you have the inside secrete handbook about what goes on. Your the best person to know.
Long ago and i think it was Illinois, did you have an appraiser head of board there who wrote an appraisal newsletter every month from the board.
My gosh, you have the inside secrete handbook about what goes on. Your the best person to know.
I wrote occasional articles circa-2009/2013 or so for the newsletter that Mr. Weaver put together and made available to appraisers and the public. I left the Board in late-2018.
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At that time i somehow got it. When there wasn't anything to read about, it gave the complaints and then the answer as to why it was bad. I have a great land value comment from it in my report. Yous had the best appraisal teaching at that time of practical knowledge.

You could tell it was by an appraser, a smart one.
If you are an IL licensee facing a disciplinary matter, and you seek non-attorney advice, message me.

I served 9 years (2 as Chairman) on the IL Appraisal Board and can offer you my thoughts.
Just received a letter
Just received a letter
Lee is sharp. Get in touch with him.

He would not offer if he did not want to help you. You might want to contact Lee before your E&O or anybody else.
What are these letters all about? Are they robo Fannie letters?
If you are an IL licensee facing a disciplinary matter, and you seek non-attorney advice, message me.

I served 9 years (2 as Chairman) on the IL Appraisal Board and can offer you my thoughts.
Nice of you to offer to do this.
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