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Internet Explorer

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Cliff Salisbury

Senior Member
Jan 16, 2002
Professional Status
Retired Appraiser
I have been having a problem surfing the web. Some of the sites say that I must have cookies enabled. When I check thru Tools, Internet optons, Security, it shows that cookies are enabled. Does anyone have any idea how to solve this problem?
You are at the right place, if it says cookies are enabled then they are. Nothing else to do!
Yep, had that happen & Wayne knows; checked a myriad of stuff and then finally called my ISP and ran a new install; everything works fine now :)

Going back over a number of variations and (as an appraiser-never know how much space is left in the noodle at any given time) came to the conclusion that (happened to catch a blurb on the host server going down) maybe that had something to do with my problem. Now, you need to know that I am on a "dial up" - chances of getting DSL or anything faster is a ways away.

Good Luck 8)
I just found this on my ISP,s website. Although I don not use version 6 I will try it and see what happens.
A possible Fix.
Internet Explorer 6.0 does not allow cookies to be accepted, which may be why you are experiencing this error. To help resolve this issue please follow the steps below.

Click on Start > Settings > Control Panel > Internet Options

Click on privacy
Click on advanced
Put a check in override auto. cookies handling
Put a dot in accept first party cookies
Put a dot in accept third party cookies
Put a check in always allow session cookies

An alternate solution:

Click on Start > Settings > Control Panel > Internet Options

Click on privacy
Drag the slider bar to "Low"
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