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KY Board Concerned about Reports sent "unsecured" PDF (VA)

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Ron Turner

Freshman Member
Jan 16, 2002
Has anyone heard anything about this? I have had no instructions to send unsecured.

http:// kyappraisersboard.com/kreab 1.htm

Scroll down about half way on the page.
Ron, I tried to look at the file but after about 5 minutes it still wasn't finished downloading. I gave up. Can you tell us what it says?
Sorry, Larry is right about the spaces and I could not activate the link.
I installed a new scanner and its got my whole system screwed up.
It just froze up three times in a row and took me 35 min. to get back to the forum. If I cant get this thing running by Tuesday I think I'll take it out in the woods and use it for target practice for turkey season!
I found the link, I picked up on the spaces right of the bat. I even found the link to the PDF file. What I am saying is that the actually page is taking forever to download. I don't have high speed access and got tired of waiting on the page to load.

here is the link to the PDF file.


I have faxed a copy of this to the VA Regional Office in Roanoke, Virginia. I have never heard of such a statement being required. Will let you know what they say, if they say anything.


No reply yet from VA in Roanoke. However, it has occured to me that they are trying to prevent something that in unpreventable. Once an appraisal report leaves our office via mail, fax, PDF, or whatever format, we have no control over what happens to it from then on. We could and maybe should have made a similar statenment on an appraisal even back when we were sending out typed hard copies(ever hear of white out :?: ). I have seen some of my reports that have been in an underwriters hands a few days. It ain't pretty no more. Also, I have had students who were involved in a case where there was lender fraud. One individual had the FBI come to his office and show him 9 "appraisals" he supposedly had done. He actually had done none of the reports. Someone else had used his name, license number, and the lender had made loans on houses whose owners did not even know about it. KY is barking up the wrong tree. go after the manipulators of the reports, not put added burdens on the appraisers who have no control of a report once it leaves their office.


Received an early morning call from the VA Regional Office in Roanoke, VA that covers Kentucky. The VA/Roanoke Region DOES NOT have any such requirement for any such statement. Their feeling is pretty much the same as mine. We have no control over what happens to our report we send out, regardless of whether it is sent by mail, EDI/PDF, or dog sled. But, we are not required to put a disclaimer such as is available on this forum by hyperlink. Hope this helps, at least for the VA Appraisers covered by Roanoke Region.

Wouldn't it be nice if we could send the appraisal report to the Underwriter ONLY!

Or, a State by State Appraisal distribution center. I know I would hate this as it would end my great relationships with some very good LOs BUT, it would go a long way in cleaning up all the problems. The appraisal then goes back to the rotation panel before being submitted to the lender. Like VA, we put in how many appraisals per week we believe we can handle. Any lender that doesn't like what they get can get a second appraisal and pay for it. If they still don't like them, they can pay for a review from a panel of qualified reviewers. Suddenly.... those that can't appraise will be out!

Just dreaming..... never will happen. Besides, I really, really hate government intervention!
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