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Lee Stringfellow Has Died

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Terrel L. Shields

Elite Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 2, 2002
Professional Status
Certified General Appraiser
Long time CG appraiser and poultry farm appraiser, Lee Stringfellow, passed away last night and I got the text from his business partner and fellow appraiser, Steve White. Lee had a failed back surgery 10 year ago and hasn't been in good health since. An old Navy man, the big guns of Nam had left him with hearing loss. I'll tell a funny story about that some time.

Anyway, for those of you who knew him, I'll try to post a link to the Obit when it comes up. He worked both in Assessment and private practice for years and I knew him for almost all of my career.
Best course I ever took was on poultry farm valuation, put on by the OR Dept of Revenue, and the economies associated with different designs, egg handling, manure management, and functional obsolescence. It will be interesting what AI comes up with in the future. Much more industrial and interesting than a dairy farm. My son is a GenXer, with a computer engineering degree, and each house he's lived in has a chicken coop with a half dozen layers.

Fox Business had a segment a few days ago on rising beef prices because of the Western state drought last year and now lower poultry prices are taking share away from beef. RIP Lee.

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