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Linux appraisal software

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Ted Martin

Senior Member
Jan 17, 2002
Professional Status
Certified General Appraiser
I've ask before, but has anyone seen a Linux bases appraisal package? I was just over at a linux hardware site and the linux based PDA's are really slick.

You might want to call the software providers and find out from them. I've never seen one but would be great I've heard nothing but good things about linux.

Wal-mart has parterned with Sun(I think) and now have machines with linux.

Their Word Process will read files thar MSWORD will not(SOME Russian Fonts)

Good Luck.ed
I've been asked if I'd drive a few hundred miles to do an appraisal.......but never as far as Russia.......COD - 1 bag of potatoes.....
with software vendors, since they can't control the sale of linux software. It's freeware which means anyone can copy it, change it, and distrubite. check out http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html for more details.
I believe the license says that the Linux OS kernal is free. If you improve on the OS you can sell your new improved interface or what ever. User software can be copywrited and sold at what ever the market will bare. I would just like some options.
Wal-mart online now offers a computer with Lindows installed. It is supposed to be a linex based OS that will run windows software. There is a website [www.lindows.com ]. Don't kmow if it works, but microsoft has been trying to shut them down.

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