Based on your approximate age, education and work experience I would strongly suggested you look at the small commercial, multi-family, unusual residential market. It is kind of a niche area, but it allows you to avoid competing with the appraisers who want to concentrate on single family, non-complex form type work and the appraisers/appraisal companies that work the larger and more complex projects. Specializing in this sort of in between work may even open up your employment opportunities with an appraisal office that doesn't currently seek this type of work. Fee wise you are probably looking in the $750 to $2,500 range, with reports that are too involved and time consuming for the typical residential appraiser and to small for the larger shops, experienced General Appraisers and MAI's to chase.
Most appraisers/appraisal companies don't want to spend time and money training their future competition. You might look for an older appraiser who is looking to retire and/or slow down in a couple of years and may not mind taking the time to assist you in gaining experience. Another thought would be due to the size of your market is to look for a mentor that doesn't cover your area, providing them with expansion possibilities. Someone may cover the area north of I-96 and you know and can cover the area south of M-6. Both areas seeing significant growth, but still very different.
Obviously I have no idea what financial institution you use, but you may contact one of the lenders and see who they order their appraisals from and ask if they are aware of anyone who either is busy and could use some help, is slowing down and getting close to retirement, looking to expand their coverage area, etc. I would also check with any real estate agents you know to see if they have any contacts they are willing to share with you. Like so many things word of mouth and networking are going to provide your best results. Chances are pretty good that you will be surprised where some of the opportunities come from.