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Minimizing cell phone/ electronics use


Senior Member
Nov 7, 2013
Professional Status
Certified General Appraiser
I read an article yesterday about how Jeff Bezos swears by not using electronics until he has been awake for an hour, and today, I didn't turn my cell phone on for two hours after waking up. Felt much better, and that reminds me of the days where I forgot my cell phone while traveling, which was a nice break. Seems like I am on a screen for a huge percentage of the day, but have been fighting mental burnout for years and wondering if there is a correlation.

Planning to stick with this routine, but that makes me wonder about other electronic usage. I used to hear how TV would rot your brain, but not as many people say that now - perhaps because everyone watches TV. Thoughts?
That means you will miss out on the fantasy football free agents on Wednesday morning.
My opinion on it is that it is phones and other hand-held devices that are bad. I think that focusing your vision on a small screen for long periods of time is bad for health.
It seems to me that social media, online gaming, and the like have won the competition for our (collective) time. At the expense of reading, learning a new skill, or otherwise advancing mental acuity. I suspect there will be a strong uptick in dementia related illnesses due, not necessarily to screens ruining our brains, but rather to screens having the ability to distract us from those activities that improve our mental function. Heck - who even reads a newspaper any more? I remember reading the WSJ religiously - and then working the crossword - almost every day.
I don't believe cell phones prevent folks from reading "books"....
As with just about everything....
It's YOUR/OUR/MINE/etc choice....
I watch TV 5 minutes a day. I turn on the news - watch the weather about 15 after the hour, then turn it off. I spend too much time here and on YouTube, and FB. Without FB I don't know when my kinfolk dies. Morbid but true.
I watch TV 5 minutes a day. I turn on the news - watch the weather about 15 after the hour, then turn it off. I spend too much time here and on YouTube, and FB. Without FB I don't know when my kinfolk dies. Morbid but true.
Same - we don't subscribe to any TV, so it's just what we can get free on the Roku. Typically about 15 minutes of news in the AM and a Midsomer Murder in the evening. The challenge for me is this site, FB, and mindless scrolling. It's much easier to engage these distractions than to employ my mind to productive use - currently in the process of learning piano, Italian, and violin. I have to force myself to do those things, though. The mindless stuff comes much easier.
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