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Most optimal timeline of taking CG Classes? (IL)

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Freshman Member
Mar 30, 2024
Professional Status
Appraiser Trainee
So I am just starting out and have been hired by a commercial firm in Chicago on a 33% fee split. They’ve told me after 25 inspections I’ll be on my own. Which I’m excited about, to set my own work load and hopefully have enough work to work a lot of hours. That being said, I imagine in the beginning I will be beholden to my supervisor’s work life balance and consider it an opportune time to get a course or two out of the way. Is there any QE courses you’d recommend taking at the very beginning like this? Additionally when do you feel it best to begin all of the classes. My state needs 3,000 hours of experience so should I start after 1,500 hours 1,000 hours? I intend to take courses online via the appraisal institute. As well as some in-person classes in Indianapolis. I cannot find any in person QE classes in Chicago with the AI, is this typical?
The appraisers supervising you will have their own plan for your training and progression.

Make sure you download and carefully review the licensing criteria for your state, particularly the sections outlining the requirements for documenting the experience hours and performing to specifications. We have seen lots of examples over the years of trainees being cheated out of their hours due to not properly documenting their experience and/or not performing their work to specs. If/when that happens its almost always because the supervisors either don't know what they're doing in their own work or they're deliberately trying to hold the trainee back.

BTW, the failure rates for a couple of the CG courses is about 50%, and the failure rate for the state exam, which trainees take *after* they pass the QE courses, is also in excess of 50%. Not everyone who wants to do the job has what it takes to complete the licensing process. Moreover, it takes at least 5 years of experience with non-commercial to progress to the point where you can competently go solo without getting into trouble. So plan accordingly.
So I am just starting out and have been hired by a commercial firm in Chicago on a 33% fee split. They’ve told me after 25 inspections I’ll be on my own. Which I’m excited about, to set my own work load and hopefully have enough work to work a lot of hours. That being said, I imagine in the beginning I will be beholden to my supervisor’s work life balance and consider it an opportune time to get a course or two out of the way. Is there any QE courses you’d recommend taking at the very beginning like this? Additionally when do you feel it best to begin all of the classes. My state needs 3,000 hours of experience so should I start after 1,500 hours 1,000 hours? I intend to take courses online via the appraisal institute. As well as some in-person classes in Indianapolis. I cannot find any in person QE classes in Chicago with the AI, is this typical?
You probably know this, Illinois has a "first 500" experience hours log and only after this is completed can you start doing your own inspections. If you have to pay for your own CG classes, I would make sure you know you enjoy the work before you start taking them. If your employer is paying, I would recommend start taking them as soon as possible. JMO. I'm sure the Appraisal Institute has a recommendation as to what order to take them.
So I am just starting out and have been hired by a commercial firm in Chicago on a 33% fee split. They’ve told me after 25 inspections I’ll be on my own. Which I’m excited about, to set my own work load and hopefully have enough work to work a lot of hours. That being said, I imagine in the beginning I will be beholden to my supervisor’s work life balance and consider it an opportune time to get a course or two out of the way. Is there any QE courses you’d recommend taking at the very beginning like this? Additionally when do you feel it best to begin all of the classes. My state needs 3,000 hours of experience so should I start after 1,500 hours 1,000 hours? I intend to take courses online via the appraisal institute. As well as some in-person classes in Indianapolis. I cannot find any in person QE classes in Chicago with the AI, is this typical?
I took most my AI classes online, Michigan has limited in-person opportunities also. The classes I did attend were primarily in Indiana. There is something called a limited license that you want to get first. It includes the basics.
The availability of in-person classes typically declines towards the end of the year and the beginning of the following year, though online courses remain accessible year-round. The best time to start your education depends on your background and your supervisor’s current workload and book of business. While prior education can provide a strong foundation and help you understand key terminology, work experience is also crucial for reinforcing the knowledge gained through your classes.
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