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Senior Member
Jan 25, 2002
Professional Status
Licensed Appraiser
I thought I would post an update and confirm that NCVsoftware is no longer in business and NCVforms is not available or supported. Many of you know that NCVsoftware was involved in legal proceedings leading up to our closure and these cases have now been concluded. With the emotion of the business disagreement behind me, I can tell you that I harbor no ill will toward Bradford Technologies. In fact, I believe that ClickFORMS is the easiest to use form-filling software available to appraisers and would recommend that former NCVforms users check out ClickFORMS.

JD Biggers
That's very forgiving of you JD. I checked out Clickforms and infact it was my preferred software. However, the simple fact that he disobeyed a direct court order really makes me question his integrity. The software is great, but I have concerns about who I am supporting. I simply can't support such an unscrupulous company.

I'm currently using Total, but I'm still searching for the best replacement for NCVForms. Your software is greatly missed.

Your software is great.

And you are the rare person of class
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