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The Bob

Senior Member
Jan 20, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
Any info on what Fannie is CURRENTLY paying on REO's?
I have not found any way to verify and/or quantify it, but I often see hints that the GSEs are selling delinquent loans to "investors." Sometimes, outfits like Blackrock are the beneficiaries, which is logical. They have significant political capital to invest and can provide lucrative, future employment to GSE insiders. Other times, the "victims" are minority owned/related entities in the market to get skinned (more efficiently than using sub-prime mortgages one borrower at a time). The upshot will very likely be few REO properties through channels we once viewed as "normal." Like the "biased appraiser" narrative, when liars, theives, and skunks have the power but no public scrutiny or access to the facts, what we see is what they choose to show us.
Just to be clear:
National Property Disposition Center
fannie doesn't pay anything. the mort servicing companies pay the foreclosure bills, if the question is about fees.
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