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Photo Requirements/Sketch Question

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Freshman Member
Feb 28, 2022
Professional Status
Banking/Mortgage Industry
Hey everyone,

I have a two question regarding what photos are required and question on sketches.

For a Fannie Mae purchase:

  • Do all rooms reported on sketch need corresponding photos? Sketch is reporting storage and utility room on first floor, but no pictures were provided (there was picture provided for storage in basement so this is reason I’m questioning).
  • Does staircase need to be reported on sketch on first floor since there is a basement?
Thanks in advance!


July 20, 2022 FANNIE MAE

Featured News

Updates to standardized property measuring guidelines​

We’ve updated the Standardized Property Measuring Guidelines with some new and substantively revised FAQs, including clarifications on the terms “declaration” and “statement of finished sq ft” and more detail on how lenders will know that appraisers used the American National Standards Institute® (ANSI®) standard​
Are you underwriting this loan? If so, you should be familiar with the underwriting requirements outlined in the Fannie Mae Selling Guide.

At a minimum, the report must include (interior) photographs of the following:
  • the kitchen;
  • all bathrooms;
  • main living area;
  • examples of physical deterioration, if present; and
  • examples of recent updates, such as restoration, remodeling, and renovation, if present.

If the interior layout of the dwelling unit(s) is atypical or functionally obsolete, thus limiting the market appeal for the property in comparison to competitive properties in the neighborhood, Fannie Mae also requires a floor plan. The floor plan must include the following:
  • interior walls,
  • doorways,
  • staircases,
  • exterior ingress/egress,
  • labels for each room, and
  • provide the dimensions of all exterior walls.
Hey everyone,

I have a two question regarding what photos are required and question on sketches.

For a Fannie Mae purchase:

  • Do all rooms reported on sketch need corresponding photos? Sketch is reporting storage and utility room on first floor, but no pictures were provided (there was picture provided for storage in basement so this is reason I’m questioning).
  • Does staircase need to be reported on sketch on first floor since there is a basement?
Thanks in advance!

Check your engagement letter
I take pictures of everything. Easier to do that that come back later. And with digital photos no big deal. I also use Total Mobile so it all syncs into the report. About the only thing I don’t take pictures of are walk-in closets. I even take pictures of the interior of the garage and outbuildings.
Hey everyone,

I have a two question regarding what photos are required and question on sketches.

For a Fannie Mae purchase:

  • Do all rooms reported on sketch need corresponding photos? Sketch is reporting storage and utility room on first floor, but no pictures were provided (there was picture provided for storage in basement so this is reason I’m questioning).
  • Does staircase need to be reported on sketch on first floor since there is a basement?
Thanks in advance!
Look at CGinMN posted. FNMA does not require photos of every room. The sketch is for illustration purposes only. It is #2 on the limiting conditions.
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I take pictures of everything. Easier to do that that come back later. And with digital photos no big deal. I also use Total Mobile so it all syncs into the report. About the only thing I don’t take pictures of are walk-in closets. I even take pictures of the interior of the garage and outbuildings.
That's what I do too.... only not with Total.
I guess the OP got their answer.
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