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Political Action?

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Peter LeQuire

Elite Member
Jan 3, 2005
Professional Status
Retired Appraiser
Earlier this week, I e-mailed the state senator from this area, Doug Overby, suggesting that he consider introducing legislation mimicing the bills dealing with appraisal management companies that have been or are being considered in Connecticut and North Carolina. I tried to make the point that, while much of lending is federally regulated, the state has an interest in consumer protection; that a significant portion of what a borrower believes is appraisal fee isn't getting to the appraiser; etc.

Sen. Overby was kind enough to respond, but said that the calendar for introducing legislation is closed. He backhandedly noted appraisers' lack of political clout by inquiring whether appraisers have a state wide organization (i.e., we have no lobbying effort for Tennessee appraisers other than what the AI does).

"It is often the case that changes such as you are proposing will meet with greater success if there is a statewide organization that supports the change in the industry.

In closing, I appreciate your bringing this subject to my attention -- to date no one else has raised this as a concern -- and I will be glad to give it some thought."

From this I take it that he is or may be open to pursuing this issue if there is some indication of state wide concern.

Organizing a coalition or ad hoc group with broad support by a significant number of appraisers in the state is probably not something that can be achieved. However, it might be possible to generate some interest in the issue if individual appraisers were to bring concerns about the operation of AMCs to the attention of their state legislators. I also know that people who contribute to their elected officials' campaign efforts often have better access to them than do crusaders...............just a thought.

Sen. Overby was kind enough to respond, but said that the calendar for introducing legislation is closed. He backhandedly noted appraisers' lack of political clout by inquiring whether appraisers have a state wide organization (i.e., we have no lobbying effort for Tennessee appraisers other than what the AI does).

"It is often the case that changes such as you are proposing will meet with greater success if there is a statewide organization that supports the change in the industry.

In closing, I appreciate your bringing this subject to my attention -- to date no one else has raised this as a concern -- and I will be glad to give it some thought."

From this I take it that he is or may be open to pursuing this issue if there is some indication of state wide concern.

Organizing a coalition or ad hoc group with broad support by a significant number of appraisers in the state is probably not something that can be achieved...

It's (introducing legislation) not so much what is "right" or "wrong" that matters, but who supports and who opposes it.

Peter, you may want to visit the website of the (ICAP) IL Coalition of Appraisal Professionals (www.ICAPweb.org). If you direct an enquiry to the office, explaining your interest, ICAP may share with you their organizational documents. ICAP is--as I understand--the largest state-wide association of appraisers in the USofA. ICAP is working on the very issue in which you have interest. ICAP was founded by the various appraiser associations present in IL and also are among the sponsors of TAF. It would be good to start with these professional associations (caveat: though some who frequent this forum would say that these professional associations "do nothing") in achieving what you seek. Seriously...it can be accomplished.

And, by-the-way, your presence was missed at the meeting of the Admissions Committee held yesterday in Rosemont, IL (fyi for others: a national meeting of the NAIFA).

Lee -

Thanks for the suggestion and the link. I don't know whether the appraisal organizations in Tennessee have done anything along those lines. I'll look at the web site and perhaps talk with Mike Orman and/or Stan Shelton.

I hated to miss the meeting - it just wasn't possible to get to Chicago this Spring. I trust ya'll had good discussion and accomplished much. I've certainly enjoyed my work in that committee.
I don't understand why there are not more posts regarding this topic. Our profession (if you can call it that anymore) is at stake.
Well I take what he said as an insult.

"a statewide organization" that supports such a change? What happened to grass-roots efforts. Does this mean that only lobbyists can get what they want? Is he not capable of seeing a severe need for such legislation, as supported by the facts that you sent?

Sad, sad, sad.

I am among a group of appraisers who are individually trying to fight the statewide association of realtors here in Michigan. It is this "statewide" group of folks who feel that the state of Michigan is wrong in their interpretation of the law as regards broker price opinions and they are actively trying to get the state's interpretation reversed. (State says no BPOs for tax, estate, lending, must utilize state licensed appraisers, the "statewide" group's lawyer insists the limitations for market analysis are not imposed on brokers, hence, brokers can produce value "analysis" for tax, estate, divorce, etc.)

I hate to think they will win just because they are "organized" and will probably pay a pretty good sum in contributions to the elected leaders who they actually get to rewrite law for them.

Sad, sad, sad.
Sounds like he isn't interested in anything that somebody isn't willing to pay him for. Great.
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