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Quick Source-Data Share Double Dip

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Freshman Member
Oct 13, 2021
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
Quick Source and Data Share are relatively new features in Ala Mode's software. I opted in, for both. I paid the early bird fee to use Quick Source, when it came out. Within the past week, I was provided an interface, to select the automatic inclusion of peer data, from DataShare, when those records exist. I type in the address; if I've used or appraised the address, the data auto-fills into the grid. Sounds good. But, I've been salty about the fact that, after I paid Ala Mode for the service of QuickSource, I continue to receive bills for DataShare. With two names, these two features are not the same thing. But, if I take an extra step or two, I can use QS to do the same thing. Ah, but the convenience. Saving two steps in the preparation of the report. Okay. I don't agree. But, okay.

Today, I am working comps and entered two address (back to back, actually) that I have used in the past. Instead of plugging my own, previously used data into the report, the program populates the grid with a peer record. Yes, my use was a UAD formatted record. The program is (IMO) plugging in peer data so that they can bill me another $0.99, even though, my property record appears in the window of 'versions found.' How in the world is that ethical? I have often stated that these people would send me a bill for the air I breath, while using their product, if they could figure out how. Forget the money, for a second. If you use this feature - make sure that you are not missing your own, prior use of the data, when it plugs all of the information, into the grid, for you. But, I can't forget the money. Not only are they facilitating immoral charges; they are allowing you to cut your own throat, if you happen to be in a hurry or even slightly distracted. Is that part of our job - verification of everything? Sure, it is. But, these products are marketed as time and effort savings.

I don't know what could be the trojan horse that would expose Core Logic and their business practices. Could there be a class action/monopoly angle in that, you and our peers will face hard challenges in converting our appraisal reports to another software vendor? It certainly restricts our ability to move to another provider. I would have changed a few years ago. But, the conversion of primary and secondary data is prohibitive. But, I am leaving ala mode this year. Hell or high water. I mean, if I am going to work with a product that purports to help me with consistency but, won't use my own data, when it is available, just so they can charge me a dollar. . . Come on.

Freedom says the release of their cloud based program is coming soon. Like May 15th, soon. I know. Soon was also the target three of four years ago.
I would never opt in to share my data with Corelogic. I use Wintotal Elite, but I will not use those options. I also don't want to see other appraiser's Fernando-like work. It only makes me angry. Alamode already shows you if you used a comparable sale before, that is all I need.
Tim, I have gone back and forth on this. I just can't turn down information. And, looking at some of these peer records is certainly enlightening. And, I respect your perspective. But, if you really believe that Corelogic waited for my permission to look at my data, well, I've got an early bird access link to Freedom's new software suite, that I'll sell you. Just kidding. After I posted this morning, I opened my email. Freedom says more bugs are being worked out. Now, the target release date is . . . Late June. Still holding my breath.
I would never opt in to share my data with Corelogic. I use Wintotal Elite, but I will not use those options. I also don't want to see other appraiser's Fernando-like work. It only makes me angry. Alamode already shows you if you used a comparable sale before, that is all I need.
I also don't trust other appraiser's measurements and conditions based on my current sources. I rely more on MLS info and my inhouse files in deciding how I include below grade area, room count, condition, views, lot useability, etc. I have 3 decades of experience and knowledge in my area which few appraisers can truly understand.
That's what happens to users who don't opt into "The Air I Breathe Program". That's one bill I diligently pay every month, I don't need any problems with those people…
Just an update, after contacting tech support: I had the correct box checked, to use my previous record for a comp. They don't know why the software would over look (three total) records that belonged to me, in favor of peer data. So, I shut the feature off. Not before they got another three dollars off of me.
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