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Signing URAR on both sides

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Freshman Member
Feb 28, 2002
I submitted a URAR signing on left side as state certified appraiser. They asked me to sign right side of appraisal also as supervisor. I don't mind doing it, unless someone knows of something wrong about doing that. Anyone?
Doesn't make any sense .........
what, why and HOW? According to your client you "supervised" your OWN work? I can see if you are "multiple personality challenged" (notice I DIDN'T say "impaired").
The only thing I can think of is that the client has your identity confused. Maybe they have you in their system as a trainee, and have a relative or co-worker as a supervisor. Sounds strange, but my father & I have the same name, except he is Jr. and I am the third. I am always going round and round with big companies about who is who. I am almost at the point of answering my phone as “Hi, this is appraiser number 4862".

Or maybe your client is schizophrenic and want's to know that your morning person supervised your afternoon person.

I did this report :D
No, me did this report :?
Who is the supervisor, I or Me? 8O


I would very politely ask them to put the request in writing. Ask them to explain the basis of their request.

That way you have a paper trail to expalin your actions when your second signature is questioned, if in fact you do sign it twice. However, I doubt that you will get a letter requesting the signature or an explanation as to why.
If they do give you a letter, ask them to read it out loud to you over the phone. Sometimes it doesn't look stoopid on paper, but it always sounds stoopid when it's coming out of their mouth.

George Hatch
Tell them the fee is higher with a supervisor's signature & collect it with a smile.
The question is are you; supervising the appraiser :?: or are you appraising the supervisor 8O

I need an answer right now 8)
tj --

Sign it wherever they request, vertically if they ask nicely.

Last fall I had an auditor call me all excited-like, telling me that I'd signed the FHA appraisal on the wrong side and it was kicked back from the people who package these things for sale.

Had to rummage through the 4150.2 and fax him the page where it tells you where to sign an FHA appraisal.

Seems strange that their guidelines wouldn't have some sort of sample copy for these people to work from -- at least, to me it does.
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