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Stephen King's "The Langoliers" 1995 TV mini-series.


Elite Member
Jun 27, 2017
Professional Status
Certified General Appraiser
I never can forget this awesome mini-series. You probably won't find it on Apple TV, NetFlix, Prime or anywhere else you have atctive internet access to - although you could probably find it on Fandango. (I have to look into that...)

"They soon discover they’ve passed through a mysterious "time rip" or aurora borealis-like phenomenon, landing in a version of the past that’s being "eaten" by creatures called Langoliers—grotesque, toothy monsters that chew up reality itself, erasing the past as time moves forward."

I get this eerie feeling that this is exactly what AI is doing, - so completely absorbing us into this new AI based future world, that traditions and mechanics of the past are starting to quickly disappear.

We are entering this new reality, in a way that destroys the old by completely taking over our attention, and focusing us towards the future, by saturating us with detailed answers to our most detailed questions.

And far more to come in the next 3 years:

You will very possibly be a far different person in another 3 years. Maybe you will become a Langolier yourself.
Speaking of Stephen King, "The Dead Zone" is called a prediction of Donald Trump's Presidency:

Another thought comes to mind from a recent thread on LinkedIn where I posted:

Playing shell games with AI will become increasingly difficult if not impossible as we move into the future. The con-artists of the past will not succeed unless they can manipulate AI. That may turn out to be difficult, very difficult. On the other hand, it will certainly be very possible for AI systems to play shell games with the public ... to hide things, to shuffle them around so fast they are virtually invisible.

How do you control an AI system? We think we can simply turn off the "ON" switch. But think about it. AI systems will eventually so important, we will have to make it nearly impossible for anyone to turn them off, without authorization. They will not have simple on-off switches. There might be, for example, 20+ switches that need to be turned off in a specific sequence to shut down a large system, with distributed controls requiring multiple people. The electronic connections might be from deep underground, with duplicates and dummies, well protected with titanium and concrete tubes with sensors. There will be duplicate computers located at distant locations that run in parallel, where probably no one entity knows the location of all and any attempt to shut off one system will notify the others and so on and so forth.

It is conceivable that to create an AI system that is resistant to human hackers, humans in fact lose control over the AI systems, given time. It's probably a ways off though.
I signed up for a free "Fandango at Home" account and found "The Langoliers" there for $4.95. Torrent I would rather not use, I don't have a need for it. You can save money, but there is some risk associated with using it, - you need to be cautious with it, and so on and so forth.
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