Need some advice here please.
A lender client who sends me the majority of my assignments sent a stip to add specific comp to grid or a different comp within 1 mile of the subject. To me this seems to "limit the scope of work to such a degree that the assignment results are not credible in the context of the intended use." It also confuses me because the completed assignment resulted in the opinion of value being above contract price, albeit 7k above, and the comp they want me to add would bring the opinion of value well under contract price. The comps I used were 0.8 miles, 1.6 miles, 2miles and 3 miles from the subject and were extremely similar substitutes which also bracketed GLA, adjusted sales and overall adjustment percentages. In short they were the best comps available.
My first inclination was to tell them to stop trying to influence assignment results and pay me for what I felt was a job well done. My problem is that I don't want to "bite the hand that feeds me" and it could be that they have legitimate concerns about surrounding subdivision values that I did not find in my research. Before I get blacklisted by my best client by refusing the stip and telling them that I think adding any other comps from a 1 mile radius would produce misleading assignment results, I wanted to get some other perspectives. Am I making too big a deal out of this or thinking about it wrong? How would you handle or have you handled situations like this? Thanks
A lender client who sends me the majority of my assignments sent a stip to add specific comp to grid or a different comp within 1 mile of the subject. To me this seems to "limit the scope of work to such a degree that the assignment results are not credible in the context of the intended use." It also confuses me because the completed assignment resulted in the opinion of value being above contract price, albeit 7k above, and the comp they want me to add would bring the opinion of value well under contract price. The comps I used were 0.8 miles, 1.6 miles, 2miles and 3 miles from the subject and were extremely similar substitutes which also bracketed GLA, adjusted sales and overall adjustment percentages. In short they were the best comps available.
My first inclination was to tell them to stop trying to influence assignment results and pay me for what I felt was a job well done. My problem is that I don't want to "bite the hand that feeds me" and it could be that they have legitimate concerns about surrounding subdivision values that I did not find in my research. Before I get blacklisted by my best client by refusing the stip and telling them that I think adding any other comps from a 1 mile radius would produce misleading assignment results, I wanted to get some other perspectives. Am I making too big a deal out of this or thinking about it wrong? How would you handle or have you handled situations like this? Thanks