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Tennessee Appraiser Coalition

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brett spaulding

Sophomore Member
Jul 30, 2006
Professional Status
Certified General Appraiser
I was at the Tennessee Appraiser Coalition annual meeting on May 10th. It is a very active group, but, we need more members. The PAC is the most relevant lobby group you can join and I do not understand why many of you have not joined up. Let me give you an example, the language for AMC customary and reasonable fees were included because the AMC's have a strong lobby. They were able to put this language in because or PAC is weaker. In short, if you don't take control of this, the AMC's (residential and now commercial) will be dictating how you do your job and where your career goes. The basic membership is $50 year. You can sign up at http://tnappraisercoalition.com
Are the local chapters of national professional appraiser associations active in this group? It they are not, it would help if they were.

Does your association have a paid-lobbyist? If not, do any of your members have ties with members of the legislature? Both of these are quite helpful as to your association's future success.

I think that you may find that no more than 1/3 of the licensed appraisers in TN will ever be a member of your association. I hope that I am wrong and that you are one day able to come back and tell me how far-off I was on my estimate.

Lee. Good questions. As of the meeting, Randy Button, SRA is our lobbyist, but, (thankfully) he is working pro bono. The dues for membership (if you already are a member) are to paid next month. With this we can hire Mr. Button a full time lobbyist. As for ties to the legislature, I am not so sure and have not asked that question. One clarification however, I did not start that PAC, so I take no credit. The PAC does represent all Tennessee Appraisers and if your prediction of 1/3 sign up is true, then AMC's will continue to guide the residential appraisers career. I don't understand the thought process of some appraisers who do not want to aid their own profession and careers. My involvement stems from learning of the PAC's existence and the wording C&R language. The only other lobby that I am aware of is AI, and probably, ASA.
Maybe the word isnt out on this. Ive been involved in Appraising in Tn for 12 years and have never heard of this.
I think the last post I sent was a repeat. Anyway, the PAC is just over 2 years and I hadn't heard of it either. One of the topics brought up at the meeting is exactly "how to get the word out". Any thoughts are appreciated as I will send them to the PAC.
I was at the meeting last month and sat next to Brett. I will be working very hard in getting new members to join TAC.
Thanks Scott. It was a pleasure to meet you and I hope our paths cross again!
TN reasonable and customary

Michigan published "reasonable and customary" appraisal fee survey a couple years ago. Not sure if it was ever noticed but I am interested if any one is aware if TN has/had such a document.
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marty22, I am not aware of a TN document. The ones that I have seen are probably the ones you have seen such as OREP and VA.
Brett, Sorry I haven't gotten back to you about your email. I have been really busiy lately. I'll get in touch with you soon.
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