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Toolbox error

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David Mullen

Junior Member
Jan 17, 2002
If you are using Toolbox, watch the condo form. When you enter the number of parking spaces, it is supposed to calculate the ratio of parking spaces per living unit.

Instead, it is basing the number on the total number of spaces divided by the number of units in the subject phase. This gives an error in the ratio of parking spaces per living unit because it should be based on the number of parking spaces in the project divided by the number of living units in the project (not subject phase).

I have repeatedly notified Bradford about this error over the last several months and several revisions of their software but it is never fixed.

This is a simple but embarrasing error that should not exist. Since they apparently are not going to fix it, we must all be aware of it and edit every condo report we write.
There are so many similar errors in the Commercial forms from Toolbox, I did 2 reports several years ago on them and gave up in disgust. Recently a sub tried it and got the same ole same ole. And we pay money for this.
Whatever you do, cast a hairy eye-ball at anything on the appraiser's worksheet!
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