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Update - Fed Ex Bill

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Gayle Cumbus

Sophomore Member
Jan 15, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
North Carolina
I talked with a rep. at FED EX. Apparently, the lender has declined payment on this airbill, where he gave me his FED EX account number. The loan never funded so he doesn't feel responsible for the bill. (it was COD thank God!!) Listen to this - we are responsible if the lender declines payment on an account!! I asked the rep. how to avoid this - we can put the lender as the return address as well, leaving our return address off it. Or send with a COD label. I've learned my lesson - $42.36 later!!!! I think I'll post the lender on the Clients / The good, bad and ugly bulletin as well.

Thanks for posting the solution... I had a similar run-in a few years ago which after threatening small claims court and costs WAS finally resolved in my favor... :roll: I didn't get paid for the appraisal either so it was well worth fighting both as a single issue... You could follow that avenue also if you care to!

DO post the lender on BOTH Good, Bad and Ugly AND Deadbeats... I paid my $50 to Wayne to have full access to Deadbeats (partially in appreciation for this forum!!!) but ANYONE can post their story in both places for free.

AND then use the postings as another brick to beat the former client over the head... :twisted:
8O I don't use Fed-Ex much, only use it when requested by the client and I get their account number. I mostly use UPS or Express Mail (cheaper). But the UPS forms have a little block that says "bill shipper" or "bill receiver". Doesn't Fed-Ex have a similar place for billing instructions? Or is it in the mice type that they have the right to bill the sender if not paid by the account holder?

Interesting story, I would have never thought of such a situation. I will be on the look out for that kinda stuff for now on. Thanks.

Maybe a little off beat here, but over the past 5 years haven't all these "Lenders" been pumping us to get up to speed with all this new hub-bub about "EDI" and "PDF" - so we could just send everything over the phone lines; make our job more expediant & efficient so we could "LOWER" our fee's :?: :?: or did I just make all that up :roll:

Well now it's the pot calling the kettle black, airbourne express :? UPS :? Fed X :? aw geez, they must own stock in those companies ayy 8O

$42.36 for one package :evil: those punks should be put out of business, when you can do the exact same thing for $3.45 US Priority Mail 0r $11.75 for next day- 8O

It's just white collar crime at it's best 8)
After investing in the adobe software, a good printer, cases of paper, they want you to pay for shipping the hard copies as well? Lets see, on a URAR of 15 to 20 pages, printed in color at Kinkos ($1.00 per page color, and $.10 per page B&W)

Seems to me, if they want you to be a print shop as well as pay for shipping, they should have to pay for it all. If they do not accept pdf they should be charged for it all. To this effect, I have begun charging $25.00 for the first two copies and $10.00 per additional copy when ordered at the same time, plus shipping. I ship using USPS 2nd day. Maybe it will encourage them to set up their own e-mail system ......the thing is, they are already set up. There is not a computer available today that cannot receive a pdf file through e-mail, and you know da** well they have an e-mail address.......what they want is for you to bear the burden of printing costs. Ink, paper, wear and tear, assembly, and shipping, etc (how many of you use a printer that cost in excess of $500?). If they want me to act like a clerk then they pay me like I am a temp service providing them an hours work.

If they request any other method it is shipped collect. I am more than glad to have UPS or FedEx collect both the shipping fees and the printing charges for me. If they balk about that, tough. They can hire the guy down the street who will kiss their *** and do their work and eat their expenses. It is bad enough they try to low ball me on the value of my services, but this is just another way to cut my net by $15.00 to $50.00 and save them the hassle of printing and binding.
jtrotta --

I had one client for 3 years (recently) who received all their appraisals via hard copy overnight FedEx accepting recipient billing because they had negotiated a a big discount that's not available to local country-wide appraisers.

I always thought it was a wonderful idea. Appraisal is picked up at my place by 7:00 pm and client receives it by noon their time the next day.

Worked so flawlessly all that time. Company even sent out pre-printed air bills, so I didn't have to fill in anything. When they changed their name and afilliation, they sent out a whole new pre-printed setup.
Larry, thats great and I'm glad to see that at least someone has gotten ahead in this supre fast disoriented world of bizness were in :)

Just got the word the other day our in state Certified has now shrunk to around 1100 total appraisers. Back when I started it was around 2400 and after this year it should shrink another 200-400 based on lack of interest and loss of funds to run a capable bizness. Well, well this could be interesting :lol:

Can you say - L O N G G R E E N 8)

I looked for a post on Deadbeats & Good, Bad & Ugly concerning this and couldn't find anything. Let us know who this is!
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