- Joined
- Mar 11, 2008
- Professional Status
- Certified Residential Appraiser
- State
- Texas
We all know the phrase - it's the first sentence of the Preamble to USPAP. I've long been told that it is appraisers' responsibility to uphold the public trust. That's not what the document says, though... it says the purpose of USPAP is to promote public trust. Slight difference IMO... nonetheless, I've even been known to preach the mantra that appraisers uphold public trust by providing credible appraisal services. After much thought, however, I'm not sure we do. Who is 'public' anyway? Users of our services? Public in general? Well, public in general barely know what an appraisal is - much less what USPAP is, so it can't be them. What about users of our services? Is that 'the public'? In my mind it has to be - which means we are (in theory), through adherence to USPAP, maintaining the trust of the fat cats who have stock in/or own banks, CU's, etc., and the overlords at F/F/FHA/VA. But..... it should be obvious to even the casual observer that even they don't trust us. It is no longer sufficient to make a statement or an opinion in relation to our expertise - that statement or opinion (regardless of how obvious it may be - will be questioned and documentation will be required to verify said statement(s). So, then, our services - even when rendered in a manner that is meaningful and not misleading (by some) - are not trusted. Which begs the question: Why is that? Why don't the users of our services trust our opinions and conclusions? IMO - because many of us either aren't capable of, or fail to, provide services in a manner that is meaningful and not misleading. Can that perception be changed? I'm afraid not at this point in the game.