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What is done about "designation pretenders"?

Vernon Martin

Senior Member
Jun 8, 2005
Professional Status
Certified General Appraiser
I remember being fooled by a "fake MAI" 30 years ago. We hired him to appraise a local apartment complex and he performed so poorly that I don't think that we paid him. Then I looked at his resume and saw that he only had 3 years of experience, so it was highly unlikely that he was a real MAI.

Fast forward 30 years and he has now rebranded himself as a multimillionaire real estate guru, with MAI and CCIM designations. But I can't find him in the AI or CCIM directories. I won't name him, but check out this link:

Does AI or CCIM have any actions against fakers?
Unfortunately, even real MAIs (and other designations) don't always deliver work that is quality. Two of the worst appraisal reports I ever saw were by highly regarded, designated appraisers. Conversely, some of the best appraisal reports I've seen have been by appraisers who had no designation.
MAI is copyrighted, and AI requires members to take a class that includes, in part, how to present the designations, such as not saying M.A.I. or Member of the Appraisal Institute. I'm sure their lawyers would go after anyone that is fraudulently claiming a designation, and I'm guessing other professional organizations would do the same also.
Maybe he is a Monumental Architect Instructor and a Commercial Clown Information Modeler.....
Brings back memories of Tom Wu, Scott Yancey, and the guy who came through my market who had seminars with profit participation. He and local saps bought at the top of the market and then 2008 happened and everything went bust. Someone will figure out how to take the GSEs with the their 'no appraisal' needed.
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