It is also my experience that many loan officers don't really know what they can do or can't do until it is too late. An experienced loan officer (many years of service) can tell you what LTV you would need on a land loan. It has been my experince that many loan officers are new and not very well versed on the loan business. Many know only how to do a loan one way. If you throw them a curve, 2-4 family property, land loan, investment property, etc., they will attempt to promise things they can not deliver in an effort to cover their incompetency. This is not true of all loan officers, but it is true of many "green" loan officers. Monthly, I get scolded my borrowers because they were told that they would only need a drive-by appraisal, when the underwriter (and/or appraiser) makes the call on what type appraisal is needed or required. Drive-by appraisals are the least reliable venue to market value and should not be promised if their is the least bit of value question. I have received orders for multi-family properties as drive-bys. I have received orders on multi-famly properties as single family homes and vice versa. I have gone out to appraise for a home improvemet loan before, when the loan was really a home equity loan. I have been asked to do a home equity loan appraisal, when it was actually a home improvement loan. I have heard borrowers sqawk because they could not get a 95% loan on an investment property like promised. There are many different rules in the mortgage business that pertain to non-single family properties that many loan officers think can be applied to every loan.
My suggestion and my opinion. If you are buying any kind of property, choose an appraiser and have an independent appraisal done for your own protection. That way there is no coercsion on the appraiser to "make the deal work" and have you over pay for the property. Plus, that appraiser can probably recommend a reputable loan officer that can handle your type of loan. This is directly opposite of how the system works, but is the safest for the consumer and could be less expensive, too. Sometimes, we know lenders that don't have some of the up front and back loaded costs that many borrowers get saddled with. Not all loan companies are trust worthy and have the consumer's best interests in mind.