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Where To Include 1/2 Bath That Is In A Detached Patio Next To The Swimming Pool?

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Freshman Member
May 28, 2013
Professional Status
Appraiser Trainee
New Mexico
Should it go on the grid with the main dwelling bathroom count? an AMC wants it moved to a "special amenity" line and value it there. Where is the reference for this?
Separate line item. The reference is it is detached from the main dwelling. Is the patio enclosed. From the title of your post it sounds like it is. Pool house with 1/2 bath?
I am going to assume this is a high-dollar property. The AMC wants you to value a half bath by a pool? Considering that request I would ask them how one would support such an adjustment since they seem to be an expert.
I am going to assume this is a high-dollar property. The AMC wants you to value a half bath by a pool? Considering that request I would ask them how one would support such an adjustment since they seem to be an expert.

Do not think that is the issue. It seems that it was included with the house bath count and now the AMC wants it treated as a separate line item. Did not see anything in the op that refers to value
The AMC is correct. As Lee said, It is not part of the house.
I usually describe them in the improvements section and just consider them in overall quality. It isn't GLA so it can't be included in the bath count. Its contributory value is so low, especially on higher end properties that any adjustment would be statistically insignificant.
These are very common down here. Separate line item (pool half-bath). Adjust based on market, your experience, etc. but definitely a separate line item.
AMC is correct separate line item adjustment not included in room the bath count - Similar to a utility bath in a garage or in a workshop.
Heck, I don't make pool adjustments let alone a bath by a pool
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