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Why is Clickforms integrating with LANDMARK for their software?

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Junior Member
Sep 19, 2006
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
I would like to know why Clickforms is integrating their software so that you can instantly download to LANDMARK AMC. Landmark is a scum AMC! It took me over four months to get paid from these losers on the last job I did with them. They repeatedly lied to me in regards to my payment and I finally only got paid after I made it clear that I was filing complaints with everyone under the sun if I didn't get my money yesterday! First is was a bank account error, then the check was in the mail........ I want to know why a company that I pay to provide me with software at a cost above and beyond all of their competitors is "getting in bed" with one of the lowest of the low AMC's? This one has me about to cancel my subscription and switch to Ala Mode. Do you even check out the reputation of the businesses you affiliate yourselves with? Bradford, I want you to do a search for Landmark in the Clients-Good Bad and Ugly section of this forum. After you have done this and have read the dozens of negative posts regarding this company why don't you come back and explain why you would choose to do business with a company that routinely rips off appraisers and fails to pay your own paying clients!!!!
And there are many, many more!
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They have Clear Kap and Stlinks intergration also. Doesn't mean you have to work for them.

I like the software. Anytime I have an issue, which is once every two years (new computer time), it gets fixed the same day, if not less than an hour.

Thanks for the warning about Landmark.
I too love Clickforms and have had basically zero issues with their service or software, but it just sits very wrong with me that a company that is supported and kept in business by appraisers would affiliate themselves in any way with a company who obviously has an absolute disregard for those same appraisers. I personally will not do business with companies that I feel are unethical. I realize that is just my personal decision as a business owner, but I also expect at least some sort of similar behavior from companies of which I am a client and whom I support with my business and money. It would have been just as easy for Bradford to say no thank you to integrating anything with LANDMARK due to their long and less than savory track record in regards to their business practices. S-links and CC both have their issues, but never once have they failed to pay me in a timely manner or ask for numerous items not included in the engagement letter like LANDMARK does/did and I have gotten very high fees on occasion from both of those companies. And I just looked it up in my files, it took LANDMARK exactly 124 days to pay me and that my friend is well, well beyond acceptable business practice and to top it all off I got a 1099 at the end of the year for double the amount they paid me, I then had to wait around with all of the rest of the appraisers to get a corrected 1099 from them!
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Looks like they have 11 AMC integration options (I just looked, I use none of them).

A search on the forum should reveal all you need to know about each and every one. The forum is a VALUABLE FREE asset, thank you Wayne, and can save you all your headaches BEFORE you get yourself into a bad situation.

Don't blame the software. I would rather pay $350 and see 11 options that I don't use than pay $1,000 and see nothing.
I too love Clickforms and have had basically zero issues with their service or software, but it just sits very wrong with me that a company that is supported and kept in business by appraisers would affiliate themselves in any way with a company who obviously has an absolute disregard for those same appraisers.
Like any software company/forms vendor could possibly survive just by selling forms software to appraisers...:rof:

All of the major forms vendors do business with other vendors and business partners, including AMCs.

Direct from the ACI website: ACI specializes in comprehensive solutions for real estate appraisers, management companies and lenders.
ACI Announces StreetLinks eService Integration

alamode also has AMC clients and even provides a platform for ordering BPO's thru their Mercury network:
Mercury Network’s tools allow lenders and AMCs (appraisal management companies) to manage their vendor workflow process from a cloud-based platform in compliance with banking regulations and appraiser independence requirements.
Get full-fee BPO orders from Mercury Network
  • No sign up fees or transaction fees -- absolutely free for the agent/broker
  • Receive BPO orders via e-mail
Here are alamode's integration partners (guess what, Landmark is integrated with alamode also):

Good luck finding software from any company that does not do business with some industry or company that you don't like.
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