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WordPerfect, Printer, computer or Adobe?

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Terrel L. Shields

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May 2, 2002
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Certified General Appraiser
Printed out a report, pretty heavy graphics, in Word Perfect 8 to an HP inkjet using Win 98. Where quotes were like "as is", it printed oas isp. The display showed the quotes, but not in the print out. quotes and hyphens were only things affected. I printed to 1200 laser and printed OK, but I needed color. So I printed to Adobe. Guess what? printed oas isp in .pdf. Memory was low, so I reboot, but have same results. Now WordPerfect says it does not even like that file very well. Copy, deleted, and pasted without attributes into a new document page did not cure it. Finally drug out my M750 Xerox and it printed to it OK in Adobe, but did same thing trying to print directly from WordPerfect.

Any gurus with a suggestion?..one that is physically possible for a fat boy to do...I might add.
Make sure you have the latest printer drivers installed.

Thats the only thing that comes to my mind.
Maybe the info I got a couple days ago from Day One will help, just changing the dpi to lower setting on any of the printers, including Adobe Acrobat--for instance 300 dpi instead of 600 dpi.
Call the priest and buy plenty of holy water.. your computer is possessed...
Hey Terrel,

This won't be of much help for your current problem, but it is most likely your Word Perfect. That program has a significant chance of conflicting from what computer gurus have told me. Former boss insisted on using his Word Perfect. First the DOS version on his Win 95 running 16 bit windows version of MCS. Every time he went to print his documents, the whole network would freeze and shut down. Then he switched to Corel Suite Version 8 (Word Perfect and other bells and whistles), and it really played heck with the system. Finally had to uninstall it. I've seen Greg Goodpasture's old posts where he'd type them in Word Perfect, then cut and paste onto the forum. Contractions would be a 08U... something or other code. 'Tis your word processor, dear. Not sure if there's a true fix for it.
IF it is entirely the wordprocessor, I wonder why it would print on the Xerox printer from Adobe, and on the 1200 in WP.

The problem with WP and numerous other programs came out in the lawsuit against Microsoft. MS deliberately adds code to Windows to confound competitive products, and the competition has to "fix" these bugs on a regular basis.

Not that WP does not have a few squirrels of its own.

Another problem lately that has occurred is doing so with Winsketch in Clickforms, a single line fails to print in a closed sketch. If you cut and paste the sketch to WP or another program, the line appears.

Evil Spirits do lurk in computers.

Well, you may have nailed it on the head when you brought up that this was one of the issues of the MS lawsuit. Good ol' Bill building in snafus that make non-MS programs go haywire on his Windows operating system. Now that you mention that, you may try a search for patches and bug fixes on the MS download site? I'm not sure of the mechanics, just that the tech gurus George hired to work on his system all agreed that Word Perfect did not perform well at all on Windows and printing seemed to be when the conflicts would most often appear.

With your Winsketch.... I've used Winsketch with my alamode software. I found it to be pretty easy to use, but often locked up and caused me to lose my drawing unless I was obsessive about saving the sketch every 5 minutes. I did have a case or two of the disappearing line, and wasn't as sharp as you. I redrew the bugger! I've since switched to Apex, and after the learning curve, like it a lot. Winsketch was unstable, and seemed to have serious problems with complex sketches and editing of simple sketches. When I did have to edit, I would save and close first. Then I'd come back to it because there seemed to be a memory problem. I don't know whether this data is stored in RAM or cache files during the initial work stage (could be something else all together for that matter), but whatever it was, that initial memory stage of the program was a big source of problems. Hopefully this info will help in your detective work. If not, sorry for the rambling.....

Good luck.

Ter, I have used WP since I changed from Wordstar a few years ago, and have never encountered your type of problem.....that being said, my first thought is to change fonts and see if there is a problem with the font you are using...[erhaps it is contaminated somehow. If you are getting a low memory message, it sounds like some sort of program conflict may be happening..........go into MSCONFIG and check your Startup list and eliminate everything you don't have to have start up. They could be draining resources. If that doesn't work, it could be the printer itself. Go to the printers web site, download the drivers, uninstall the printer, then re-install the printer with the latest updates.

After thinking about it, I still think it is in the printer itself.....or atleast in the instruction set from the computer to the printer.

Let us inow how it goes and what you find works.

Evil Spirits do lurk in computers.

Especially ones with MicroSoft inside, the evil empire. :lol:

Goodpasture has Goodadvice. Download the latest drivers for the printer. Solved most of the problems I was having with my HP.

I had a similar problem in Appraiser's Toolbox. The degree sign, cut and pasted in from my word processor, would appear on screen, but would not print correctly. I solved that probelm by simply changing the default font.

The problem with WP and numerous other programs came out in the lawsuit against Microsoft. MS deliberately adds code to Windows to confound competitive products, and the competition has to "fix" these bugs on a regular basis.

You have that right and the only solution is to split MicroSoft. They should not be allowed to have a monopoly operating system and then also complete with application software vendors. The justice department (and the court) dropped the ball.

Back in the pre-windows days, when MS was working on DOS 5, the common expression was "DOS isn't done until WordPerfect won't run." They introduced their new version of MSWord immediately after that.

Here's an idea that might work to solve your printing problem. Instead of typing the character in, hit Crtl W and put it in directly from the code box. That, together with changing the font and downloading the latest driver set for your printer should make it possible to print the character you want.
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