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Boundary Description City Limits Good Enough?

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It is my sincere belief the neighborhood boundary section was devised to provide the witch hunt reviewers something to hang you on even if the rest of the report is flawless.
Much of the required formatting of information is difficult to apply in rural and ruburban settings.
Dairy Queen is long gone, and we have two - soon to be three - WalMarts. I suppose we'll be really sumpin' when we get a second Home Despot.
bounded by canada to the north, texas to the south, california to the west and rhode island to the east.
Neighborhood Description and Boundaries:
Located in a remote and heavily wooded coastal mountain range a few miles east of the coast. Though the village of Elk is less than a square mile the region is very large and includes a large geographic area where boundaries are indistinct and there are few roads, highways or other features that can be referenced. Generally the competitive market would be south of Highway 128, east of the Pacific Ocean, north of the Irish Beach subdivision of Manchester and west of the Navarro River. See attached exhibit addendum for aerial imagery.
Old man Kelcy's Ocean.

They like street names. Doesn't seem like a tough requirement.
The appraiser should provide an outline of the neighborhood boundaries, which should be clearly delineated using ‘North’, ‘South’, ‘East’, and ‘West’. These boundaries may include but are not limited to streets, legally recognized neighborhood boundaries, waterways, or other natural boundaries that define the separation of one neighborhood from another. Appraisers should not reference a map or other addendum as the only example of the neighborhood boundaries.

To me a City Limits line is a legally recognized neighborhood boundary that defines the separation of one neighborhood from another.

I paste in a snippet of this section from UAD and underline "natural boundaries" or "legally recognized neighborhood boundaries" or whatever I know they'll kick it back for when the area can't be neatly described strictly by street names.
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