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FHA stair width requirement

Jeff Redden

Freshman Member
May 14, 2006
Professional Status
Licensed Appraiser
West Virginia
Does FHA have a requirement for the width of a set of stairs. I inspected a property yesterday that has a very narrow 18" stairway that leads to the basement. Will this go FHA? I cannot find the requirement if there is one.
I don't believe there is and since it's not GLA as long as it poses no safety concerns, I'd say it's fine
You need to check the local building code. Here in AZ, we follow the IRC codes. Some counties are are on 2012, some 2018. Some specifically call out or have adopted from IRC 2006 Stair Building Code. If it meets local code, you should be OK. Typically if a stairway leads to living area, it needs to follow code. Hence, an attic drop stair does not lead to living area so it does not need to meet the stairway specifications.
Does FHA have a requirement for the width of a set of stairs. I inspected a property yesterday that has a very narrow 18" stairway that leads to the basement. Will this go FHA? I cannot find the requirement if there is one.
Not on a basement....lmao
We are not code compliance inspectors. If it is safe and secure and the access is reasonable, move on to the next issue/problem, if any.
Agreed, but would you consider 18" width reasonable. I am 6'2" 230 lbs. I probably would not call that reasonable unless there was also a walk-up stariway to the exterior that was much closer to the 36" standard, but again I am not there to judge.
Agreed, but would you consider 18" width reasonable.
Actually, I would. It's not optimal or typical, but it serves the purpose. Did you manage to go up and down the stairs safely or are you sitting there in a wheelchair or cast due to your encounter with the offending stairs?

Everything in the world can't be designed for you freakishly large people. :) Yeah, I'm 5-8, 160.

But seriously, unless there's a safety concern, you should stay in your lane and appraise the real estate, warts and all and call out only items that present a true safety hazard.
Agreed, but would you consider 18" width reasonable. I am 6'2" 230 lbs. I probably would not call that reasonable unless there was also a walk-up stariway to the exterior that was much closer to the 36" standard, but again I am not there to judge.
Valid point, but... you could apply that same logic to airline seats. Are airline seats wide enough? Depends on your physique, right?
Not an issue. May not be possible to make it wider without moving a wall and cutting joists.
Most unfinished basements aren't used for much of anything, maybe some storage. Can't get a heater, washer or dryer down those steps. Or a chubby person

My favorite is a basement full of spiderwebs to walk around in.
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