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Geodesic Dome sales

Brian D

Freshman Member
Mar 26, 2020
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
New Jersey
Anyone know of any Geodesic Dome sales in Ocean County New Jersey?
RUN, don't walk away from this assignment, TRUST ME on this........
REALLY! 25 years ago, my partner took a dome assignment. Nary a sale in miles...and miles...and miles... So, I helped her, and we covered 4 counties to find 2 sales - one in Oklahoma, one in Arkansas, and they accepted a non-traditional 3rd. The one in Arkansas was a lakeside property 60 miles away. The Oklahoma sale was a rural one on acreage 40 miles away. It took 3 days to do. And, of course, the report was nit-picked to death. You would want to do 3 log homes instead of one geodesic home.
This dome is only 3,000 miles from NJ! Built in the 1970's and if memory serves, was asked to appraise it in the 1990's. Declined, had too much other work and the client was not in the rotation.

I've done about 4 geodesic dome houses. Two were a nightmare, two were not. It depends on the client. The two nightmares were AMCs wanting 2 miles, 6 months, if not why not. etc. The other two I went back in time 3 years for one comp and 30 miles for another. The two that were not nightmares were still very time consuming. Dome houses were made so trainees can learn how to find comparables.
And to challenge their ANSI measuring skills. :)
You're not kidding, the last one I circled enough times to get dizzy...... a tape outside and a laser inside and I was still wondering what the GLA was going to be when I left it up to my software. :)
Anyone know of any Geodesic Dome sales in Ocean County New Jersey?
I would not limit the comps to just domes. Look for other odd ball type homes.
Helped my mentor with one a decade or so ago......most likely will never do one again. You just don't get paid enough and will lose sleep over it wondering if your opinion of value is too high or too low.
There is a pending in Island Heights but it might be your subject
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