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Latest Updates On My Computer System


Elite Member
Jun 27, 2017
Professional Status
Certified General Appraiser
For techies out there.

My primary computer is still the Apple Mac Studio M2 Ultra, 64G memory 1T onboard storage, 100T external storage, 50% Samsung 980 or 990 NVME Pro. The Synology system has about 48T and it also provides a LAN server (MacOS no longer supports its own server).

1. I got rid of Parallels for Windows 11 - and moved to VMware. Windows 11 works better on VMWare with most software, in particular Sparx Enterprise Architect.
1a. You can configure VMware to copy/paste or drag/drop files and folders between the two systems. Works great (always use APFS drives for both systems.) So, I can work seamlessly between MacOS and Windows 11 on my two monitors (Dell 43" and Asus Pro Art 35").

2. Started using TeXstudio, Latex, Obsidian w/Canvas on MacOS. OneNote fails to work reliably with MacOS and Windows on the same computer, so replaced with Obsidian. But I can still use OneNote - cautiously - it can get confused and you can lose a lot of notes, especially if you are playing around with more than one Microsoft account. Obsidian is hard to beat - and free.

3. Use Microsoft 360 Business Premium for both Windows and MacOS. One subscription does it.

4. Added another Elgato Stream Deck XL ( I have two now ), plus the Stream Deck+.

- The above are the survivors after trying many things.
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