Here's a list...
Appraising Real Property, Byrl N. Boyce (Society of Real Estate Appraisers)
Appraising the Single Family Residence, Bloom & Harrison
The Appraisal of Real Estate (AI)
Real Estate Principles, Harwood
Property Inspection, An Appraiser's Guide (AI)
The Relocation Appraisal Guide (ERC)
Capitalization Theory and Techniques, Study Guide (AI)
AI Course Workbooks (3 ring binders)
Applied Residential Property Valuation (probably the single best course AI offered for residential, it's about 3" thick, tons of info). I took this at VCU
Appraising High-Value and Historic Homes (can't recall instructors name but she traveled all over the country, I think she was out of Chicago). Very good course.
I also have a bunch of USPAP books
Again, no charge for the books, you can pick up in Richmond area or pay postage and I can mail.