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Irma Doesn't Look Good

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Just need to top off the gas for the generator and fill up an extra propane tank. Food is never a problem around here except for extra flour in case I need to make bread.
Thanks Terrel. Yes, definitely taking extra precautions. Thankfully I'm well above flood zones. It's gonna be a helluva weekend, one way or the other
I use to live in an area that got tsunami alerts. We would leave. Its always better to leave sooner than later. The weather forecasts for Huston was 36" to 48" of rain. Too many didn't leave.
It's scary. My prayers are with you. Looks like late Saturday maybe or Sunday.

One time today it had 185 mph winds.
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It's a big one alright.

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I cancelled my appts for today thru Fri

Rented a car. Going to keep an eye on the track through tonight and make a decision probably tomorrow morning as to evac or not. Wife and I are leaning toward "better safe than sorry" and heading northwest - possibly Alabama or TN. Not sure yet.

I've updated clients that I'm out of the office either way (especially since there's a good chance we're going someplace else) until after the storm
Hey, someone pickup my sis on the way out. She's hunkering as of now
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