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Bradford Support

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Jan 15, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
New Jersey
I have used Clickforms for some 10 years now and have called tech support once---today. They answered with no wait time and fixed my problem online in a very short amount of time. Effortless and quick, just what an appraiser needs.

I can't begin to describe the agony of calling alamode tech support and I really dreaded the Bradford call. So glad that Biggers kicked me off long ago and compelled me to look elsewhere. I've never once regretted the change.

And if Bradford is watching, much thanks to Dave in tech support. Patient, polite and got the job done in no time !!
So glad that Biggers kicked me off long ago and compelled me to look elsewhere. I've never once regretted the change.

I'm jumping ship with the pie alamode when my contract expires.
What do you mean, Biggers kicked you off?
I'm jumping ship with the pie alamode when my contract expires.
What do you mean, Biggers kicked you off?

I was wondering the same thing but was too timid to ask....:LOL:
Biggers could be a prick at times but I still use his software. IMO the software is heads above the competition with Clickform in second. With “the gorilla” in charge I may make that leap.
In the handful of times I used tech support, usually installing on a new computer, I instantly got help and it was resolved in a few minutes.

I have been a user since Toolbox.
Alamode is hands down the best. They may even get better now. It wouldn’t hurt my feelings if the govt did their own platform and shared the data with appraisers.
I'm jumping ship with the pie alamode when my contract expires.
What do you mean, Biggers kicked you off?
In 20+ years of appraising, I have only had 2 appraisal softwares. Started with Total. I'll never be mistaken for Gates, Jobs or Brin, so every time something went wrong with Total/Alamode and I called tech, they blamed it on my computer, virus program, internet connection, operating system version, and so on. Then came this Forum, and I found everyone was having the same problems, particularly after an update. So now I'm not trusting Alamode anymore. Then they started something else (can't remember, it was long ago) and I accused Ala of mining the data of all of our appraisals and selling it. Dave canceled my subscription and refunded my money. I guess time proved me right, since everyone has now found out their data was mined. And now the business is sold. I think we all understand that the data mining is helping banks and FNMA all reduce the need for appraisers.
I accused Ala of mining the data of all of our appraisals and selling it. Dave canceled my subscription and refunded my money..

So, you actually got kicked you out of alamode by Dave Biggers for speaking your mind.
Good job !!
Note prior owner don’t post here anymore. I really wish govt would do their own platform for appraisers. It makes sense on federally insured transactions. Or get rid of the federal insurance. I know getting rid of the federal insurance is not going to happen.

He may have seen the govt doing their own platform. Or perceived it happening before he sold. It’s possible.
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