Our Commitment to Reducing Appraisal Bias
September 9, 2021
Jake Williamson
Senior Vice President, Single-Family Collateral Risk Management
News media reports alleging racial bias in home appraisals have turned a spotlight on the appraisal process in the mortgage industry. Fannie Mae is committed to racial equity in housing, and we take these allegations seriously. As one of the largest consumers of residential appraisals in the United States, we've asked ourselves whether we are doing all we can to identify and help prevent it.
Our longstanding policy explicitly states that unacceptable appraisal practices include "…development of a valuation conclusion based on factors that local, state, or federal law designate as discriminatory, and thus, prohibited." We additionally state that it is unacceptable for an appraiser to develop a valuation conclusion "based either partially or completely on the sex, race, color, religion, handicap [disability], national origin, familial status, or other protected classes of either the prospective owners or occupants of the subject property or the present owners or occupants of the properties in the vicinity of the subject property."
To help our lender partners identify potential issues with appraisals – which could include bias – we provide our Collateral Underwriter® (CU®) tool to support research and analysis. CU has a robust set of risk flags and messages, including triggers for potential over-valuation risk, appraisal quality risk, and property eligibility risk. CU routinely undergoes fair lending reviews by Fannie Mae’s Fair Lending team, and we hope to enhance CU in 2022 with a new message for undervaluation risk that will help lenders address potential bias issues early in the process.
Fannie Mae is firmly committed to doing everything in our power to promote racial equity in housing, including helping all homeowners receive a fair and impartial appraisal.
solution...how about a waiver...too risky, eh? oink oink oink