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    Regression for GLA Adjustment

    anyone use single / linear regression analysis for determining GLA adjustment (after netting out site and then using cost/sf as the independent variable)? thoughts on reliability and process?
  2. CaliforniaSD

    View Adjustment Guidance and Opinion Help Please

    The subject property is facing a canyon across the street and there are two bedrooms on the 2nd floor level that have a view of the canyon if you stand up and look out the window. The listing agent is very adamant that this constitutes a view. I have no comparables in the subject neighborhood...
  3. CaliforniaSD

    Appraisers and Land Value Adjustment Help

    I noticed that a lot of appraisals that I have reviewed in my area (San Diego), the appraisers typically apply a $1-$3 adjustment per a square foot of land. The value of land is not $1 a square foot anywhere in San Diego. I am working on an appraisal over an acre and a reconciliation of the...
  4. CaliforniaSD

    Tennis Court Adjustment Help Please

    Hello, I am appraising a non-arms length transaction among friends for a reputable lender. The custom built home sits on a little over an acre and has a little over 3,500 GLA. It is in a solid C4 condition. There is only one comp that I found in the market area that has a tennis court and it is...
  5. T

    Question about age adjustments

    Good morning everyone. I am a real estate agent from South Texas and I have a question. If you have a property that was built in 1904 but remodeled in 2005 and the only comps you can find are things built in the 80s in the 90s how do you adjust for the age? While the property was built in 1904...
  6. expo77

    How to make adjustments for Wholesaler Assignment Fees.

    Working on an AS-IS/ARV appraisal report and my best comp that is a few houses down recently sold through a wholesaler. MLS states that the property sold for $115,000. County Tax Records state that the property sold for $99,000. Under the seller concession area on MLS the realtor states...
  7. N

    Older But Updated Vs Well Maintained For Good Condition

    I just wanted to get some opinions on how other appraiser adjust for condition or for how many updates a property has. How do other appraiser adjust when an older property , perhaps 60 years old, but was updated say 10 years ago vs adjusting for a property that is only 15 years old and hasn't...
  8. SanDiegoBrian

    No Adjustments In Sales Comparison?

    I have an appraiser I work with, he is in New York City, I am in San Diego. He is writing a report on a multi-level apartment building than I am reviewing. In his Sales Comparison approach he states 'he determined no adjustments were necessary' and his sales grid shows all zeros. Then, on a...
  9. W

    Outbuildings Value/adjustments

    Would like advice how outbuildings are valued or adjustments are made for when a matched pair analysis can't be completed. With outbuildings varying so much in size, quality of materials, etc how do you come up with a adjustment. Thank you.
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