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  1. T

    Appraisal Business Slow Down April - May 2020

    I am seeing a quite significant slow down in appraisal business as of May of 2020. Bank business seems to have declined by 50% YTD 2020 versus 2019, and even more significantly in May and June 2020. It seems Covid is the cause especially with bank closed/operating with restrictions. But...
  2. Ascended

    To Hire An Assistant Or Work Solo?

    I am really plagued on how to proceed with my business. I got certified back in 2014 and opened my own LLC at that time. Now, I am "capped" at the most work I can handle by myself. Thus, my income ceiling has been hit working on my own. I could hire an assistant or apprentice, but is it...
  3. 1

    What's Your Beef About Your Work?

    As an outsider trying to understand the valuation industry, I would like to know what issues are really bothering appraisers. Yesterday I got an email from an appraiser in Phoenix who handles commercial properties throughout the state, and his major complaint was the lack of a good software work...
  4. M

    Corporate Employe W Home Office

    I am a new appraiser trainee corporate employee w a home office. Office is in the spare bedroom for the moment but plan to expand the family in the near future taking up that spare bedroom. Would it be appropriate to ask for compensation for using a home office while I train for the next 3...
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