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  1. Funky Obsolescence

    Do I need E&O Insurance

    Hi. I contract a few times a year with an appraisal company. I've asked if I'm covered under their E&O Insurance. They say, "Yes". However, I'm wondering what to ask for (other than their word) to get confirmation that I am I'm covered for certain. If not I'll buy the insurance. Just don't...
  2. DSU Trailblazer

    Counter Offers above list price- The Rules/Laws

    I had a question regarding seller counter offers. I was always under the assumption (which is probably wrong, which is why I'm asking) that sellers and the agent were not allowed to counter at a higher price than the listing price? The work around has always been the "submit highest and best"...
  3. Dallas Scott Wilke

    Being Told The Contract Price Of A Subject

    I've been thinking a lot about impartiality and how to best improve your chances of truly eliminating bias. When we are given the contract price of a subject for a Purchase Appraisal, and then asked to bracket that price in our comparables, does that not make us inherently bias toward a...
  4. Wayne Henry

    April Fool’s Joke Or More Unnecessary Delays Of The Appraisal Report

    April fool’s joke or more unnecessary delays of the appraisal report. Client revision request - Per lender guidelines: Appraiser to provide a comment on any impact on the value and marketability recent storms/disasters had on subject property (due to no counties officially being declared by...
  5. Wasatch

    Standing Contract With Clients?

    Hello everyone, I am striking out on my own in a new state, after years appraising in a small CA shop. When you begin appraising for a new client, do you sign a standing agreement with them? I'm imagining that such an agreement would outline payment terms, instructions for requesting/sending...
  6. B

    Different Contract?

    I think this has been covered before, yet I can't locate the right thread. Appraisal ED was early December. Got a revision request to update appraisal with "contract amendment". It's not actually an amendment, it is a whole new contract, executed a few weeks after the ED. Just handle in...
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