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2075 Form... Any Disclaimers??

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Yes, yes. There's a Subject, Neighborhood, Site and Improvements section on the form, which occupies the top half of the 8 1/2 x 14 page. The bottom 1/6 of the page is for signature, license, etc. The other 1/3 of the page is devoted to Appraiser's Certification and Limiting Conditions.

This form is all about property's conformity to the neighborhood.

House style is not sought. Form only wants to know how many stories, not design style. The H&B is addressed by yes or no. Expenses don't apply, other than basic subject information like taxes. View amenities [sic] is of no concern. Market conditions don't apply; they are primarily value related issues.

"Yeah you get what you pay for when you hire me!"

There no place to put the extra information you imply the client needs. Addenda would be out of place. The form is suited to its purpose. The purpose of this form is to furnish information in a uniform manner -- as in efficient, I would say. The 2075 is only one legal page long!
Let me ask you this, in your appraisal practice do you limit your research, analysis, and conclusions to only those items on the form ? (assume a complete appraisal scope of work)
The answer is "no."

But I don't force myself onto the client when they are requesting minimal information.

Am I missing something. Please be clearer about your point.
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