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442 Satisfactory Completion Certificate?

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Charlotte Dixon

Senior Member
Jan 16, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
Is this what you guys use for completed new construction? I previously used an MCS form (RIF) Reinspection Form, which is not in the new Polaroid/MCS software. I liked that form because it listed 1) building interior...estimated cost to complete 2) building exterior....estimated cost to complete, etc. Do any of you know of anything comparable to that RIF form? Thanks.
I've always used the 442 for completion of construction inspection, or just completion of repairs, so wouldn't need any cost to cure or complete. The RIF, maybe someone else has an idea, it's not 1 I've ever used. I would probably just write an addendum.
442 works just fine for me. Lots of room if I have additional remarks to make. No really unnecessary data to complete.

Les in Sunny Coastal (N)Carolina
So, I guess the 442 is the form, just elaborate in the box regarding:

Not completed: Final Grading and Seeding...Cost to Complete $------


I miss that RIF form, but guess this will do.
Various companies I have worked for have used their own forms, but in the last few years, they have all abandoned these and adopted the Fannie Mae 442 form. It really is the easiest to use. Any variances can be easily explained in the comments section as well as any cost to cure for unfinished items.
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