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$97 Appraisal - $57 Appraisal - and One for Free !

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Jan 16, 2002
I just received a soliciation via the mail to do an appraisal on my seasonal home in PA mountains. Letter says they have appraisers in the area next month (letterhead is from company in Arizona * - see below). Get this - I can have a USPAP compliant report for only $97 and only $59 for each additional property I might want appraised, and if there are two parcels adjacent to each other the 2nd report is FREE !!

Chech these people out:

Norco Systems, Inc.
Appraisers & Market Analysts
National Headquarters
11803 N. Saguaro Blvd. Suite 11
Fountain Hills, AZ 85268

Fax 1-800-362-9818


Got ya beat Joe...

For only $3.00
You can get one from 1st American which is GOOD for the life of the LOAN!!!

Ah well. Go ahead and spend your $57.00

Quality, Oh you wanted a quality USPAP compliant report? that'll cost you extra...

hmm did the solicitation really SAY USPAP compliant?

Sure like to get a look at their departures, limiting conditions, scope of work and summary :twisted: bet this pack could taer that puppy to shreds in no time :wink:
Well at least they're fair SAME PRICE rather it be AZ or NY. Probablly the same appraiser.
Lee Ann:

Yep, it does say "All appraisals will comply with The Uniformed Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) as established by The Appraisal Foundation".

Oh, it also says their appraisers are members of NAMA and hold designations of "Master Farm and Land Appraiser (MFLA)" - that's curious because my house in the PA mountains sits on rocks, surrounded by forest - hmm - not many farms in northern PA.


You hail from Arizona, ever heard of these people ? You don't have maps of PA do you ? Wow, that's a long trip fee from AZ to PA. @ .25 cents per mile it must come to several thousands of dollars.
Spend the money to get the appraisal. Maybe there is somebody who does good work for cheap, you can hire them to do sub work for you. Maybe someone has figured a way AROUND USPAP and still be USPAP compliant. That knowledge would be worth the $97.00 :lol:
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