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ACI/ALaMode Update 50 Crash Alert

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Jan 16, 2002
Professional Status
Certified General Appraiser
If you have both ACI and WinTotal on the same machine, Alamode update 50 might cause ACI to crash when you open old report. You will need files from support. It is quickly fixed with these new files. I got great support help this AM thanks to tech Don Story.
Files from whom? Ala mode or ACI?
I guess I joined this forum all too late. I have both ACI and Wintotal software because I have clients who use both. My ACI crashed after I downloaded the number 50 update from Wintotal. I was able to get the files I needed from ACI to correct this problem.
Tuesday Report crashed and wiped out an hour of input into a complex residential appraisal when I hit the escape key to back out of an addendum. My auto save feature had been been turned off during the crash!!! Lost a lot of work.

Tech support wanted to know if I had AlaMode installed. I don't. They are sending me an update that supposedly will fix the problem.

I am using ACI Version If you have that version you may wish to contact tech support before you have a crash like mine.

It may save you a crash and some lost time.
I just got a new Dell laptop. I got it as a back up computer and also so I would not have to be glued to my desktop when I am typing reports. For some reason the apex sketch program causes my laptop to crash. I lose everything. I lose the whole report and I get the big bad blue screen. I was told by ACI to change my display settings because I only have the 16 bit apex program. I've tried that and it still crashes. :twisted: Anybody know anything else?

For nearly a year I have been suffering due to my ability to hit some typo mistake group that TURNS OFF MY AUTO SAVE function... :evil: :evil: :evil:

I check prior to beginning a report if auto save is on, check periodically that it is intact, but am learning to back entirely out of my report periodically to INSURE that the thing properly saves to a backup... It STILL turns itself off every once in a while... :cry: :evil: :cry:

Fortunately ACI is more stable than it used to be but I have been griping about this for sime time and I DON'T have Total on this machine :roll:


Rollover and buy the 32 bit APEX... I had a similar problem (didn't get BSOD very often thoug :? - just dead sketch with no save... You may have some setting that is causing this try a different Tech support person...
The upgrade is VERY worth it in stability regardless... I very seldom crash my sketches since the upgrade, sez the queen of redraw :oops:

Always in search of perfection... Lee Ann
Since we had to re-install all software, have been getting some minor crashes, so at this point I go to (what seems to be the floopy icon & save or close out the report) that ensures saving the report. Also use Apex 16 and will convert to 32 since reading the lessor of two evils here.

Because of the major blowout last month, I've noted some glitches and done some searchin and have found the base program is missing some drivers, will have to call Dell and see what they forgot to load.

The following is a copy of an email I sent to ACI today:
Dear XXXX:

Do you have anything new on the addendum crash problem with V8.1 -V8.2? I have determined that Report will ALWAYS crash for me if:

1. I import from the picklist into an addendum section AND

2. I don't save the file with Ctl-S or the save icon before I exit the section.

If I exit a section using the Escape key or by clicking on the exit icon in the upper left corner of the addendum screen without saving my picklist changes Report crashes, apparently after trying to save the file. There is a short lag between giving the save command and the crash message.

I can enter new text from the keyboard in an addendum section and exit any way I want to, even without saving my work first, without a crash. Report saves the changes and returns to the main screen.

It looks like saving picklist items is the problem!

You probably knew all the above anyway but I had to know where the problem was so I could train myself on the work-around I HAD to use to avoid the repeated frustration of crashing and losing my edited addendum work.

The auto save feature has not turned itself off since you shipped me V8.2 so that is an improvement.

If the problem has been solved I would appreciate getting an update.

Thanks again,

Dave Smith
Thanks for posting Dave,

I was a little unclear as to why it randomly blows, but

I HAD noticed the following in the newer better version(s)

IF the dropdown field exceeds the space available in the destination field, you must hit Cntrl-A to access the rollover field FIRST, then and only then use the dropdown to insert the excessive text.

I hadn't noticed any blowups if I do this every time...

This seems to occurr in some forms and fields more than others... 2055 being the worst for this error :roll:
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