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ACI & FNC Envelope uploader. Warning!!!!!!

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Frederick R. Ruffell

Senior Member
Jan 21, 2002
Professional Status
Certified General Appraiser
(Wayne, this might look like it belongs in the Tech Forum but I hope you leave it here as it is more about Liability than anything else)

I have just discovered what could be a huge liability issue with using Appraisalport and ACI. I need feedback as to USPAP compliance etc. I do not want this to turn into a debate about Data Mining, Please.

Here is the problem I have encountered. I performed an appraisal for my client and they asked to have it in a 2055 format and delivered via appraisalport in AIRD format. I use ACI to generate my reports and have never had a problem with the software. Well I completed the report in ACI and printed a hard copy so I could review it ( I personally can not review a report on screen I need a hard copy to flip and skip thru). I made some changes and then used the FNC Envelope uploader (a seperate piece of software written by FNC that intergrates with ACI just like Adobe Acrobat or street atlas etc.) which converts the file into AIRD format and uploads it to Appraisalport for the client to retrieve.

I get an email from the client stating that the comp photos are missing, and the Physical Deficiencies comment is not in the addendum ( if the comment is to large for the field then ACI puts it in the addendum/s). So I check my copy in ACI and the comp photos and the Physical Deficiencies comment are all where they should be. So I look at the images in the FNC Envelope uploader and it is different than the ACI report. I am not sure what is going on and need to call the respective software vendors and find out. Why would the FNC Envelope uploader convert some parts of a report and not others? Anyone else run into this. I don't know yet if it just the 2055 format or all forms, I have to go back and check.

Thanks all.

This emphasises yet again why an appraiser dealing with technology (or for that matter hardcopies) MUST:
1. know your client
2. protect yourself as well as possible with strategically located bold, capitalized SEE COMMENTS ON ADDENDUM PAGE_X_
3. keep a full file copy for oneself...

I have come across copies of my reportes delivered in hardcopy format which have mysteriously had certain sections removed. I ALWAYS crossreference my addendum pages and tell the reader excatly where to look for whatever comment(s) I have appended.

I see a concern, however I perceive it more as a client liability issue than YOUR liability, as long as you have reasonably stated how many pages you sent it is someone elses problem to insure that they have and have read :evil: all your work. The client specified the delivery route, your honor :roll:
Amen Lee Ann. I have been trying to get Adobe to print page numbers on my reports so that it is obvious if an text addendum or photo addedum is removed. My old DayOne software cant do it and so far I have not been able to get Adobe to print them either.

I have heard that our State Board will not just accept our hard copies as proof of what we sent to the client. I hope that is not true!! But it is our word against theirs.
Any competent lawyer can rip that one apart as long as you have some sort of statement in the report as to the number of pages... I personally think that the software companies should be heavily lobbied to MAKE that itty bitty software change that would number the pages! :evil:

Being paranoid I used to hand number them :roll:

Oh but I forgot: some states don't HAVE to follow any rules but thier own... 8O
Ok, I can't resist. You can choose to number the pages in Alamode. I choose to do just that and often state on the 2nd page of the URAR that "This Appraisal Report is Null & Void without all xx numbered pages."
:lol: :lol: :lol: Pam you got 'em!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

<span style='color:blue'>OK ACI WHAT"S YOUR RESPONSE???!!!???</span>
Ok, I can't resist. You can choose to number the pages in Alamode. I choose to do just that and often state on the 2nd page of the URAR that "This Appraisal Report is Null & Void without all xx numbered pages."

I leave out the null and void part but I do have Athena print the page and file numbers on every page of the report. You never no when someone might feel the need to switch page 5 of one report with page 5 of another.

'Tis an advantage in Toolbox's 'free-form text' that one can individually number the pages prior to print: As in "Page #1 of 6"
How did we get on the topic of page numbering? Yes all my pages were numbered. The problem is not with the ACI software, it does its job just fine. The problem is with, I suspect, with the FNC software. The client requires the use of the software and the devilery system. I think a comment in a section (a section that does get converted and delivered )pointing out the total number of pages and the need for the reader to have all pages in order to not be misled, is maybe a short term fix for the liability issue.
Thanks All
Now that everyone has been warned that is interested I am moving this to the Tech forum for reference purposes and so others will see it.
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