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ACI just down or out of business

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They've been down almost 2-3 hours websites also not loading -- left them a message just waiting for response- hope there just down if there out of business this is gonna get ugly
Still down. I have been up all night waiting. My report is now overdue.
Likely a system failure. When something on computer fails, it can take a little bit.
Head surfer and owner on this forum could probably tell you that.

Takes a little bit.
It happened right around 5:15 p.m. yesterday. Not much sleep here!! Thank you for reporting in - I was worried it was just me. I cannot believe they didn't put a voice recording on or send out some sort of notice by now. That's the only thing that has me concerned that maybe Chris is onto something....
Site is still down! They do not answer their phones either
Likely a system failure. When something on computer fails, it can take a little bit.
At least leave a message on your phone system indicating the issue...not THERE ARE NO AGENTS. My appraisal is complete and ready to go but I can't create an XML...luckily I don't wait till the deadline approaches to send my work but it's going to need to go in the next 2 days! Of course I just renewed!
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